Minimal Space Prepping

in Outdoors and more2 years ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to just explore how "prepping" doesn't always consist of elaborate things that take up lots of room!


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Minimal Space Prepping

One of the things that I would like to think is that I am, to the best of my abilities, trying to be prepared for many different situations. One of the easiest ones to be able to prepare for is the loss of electricity, at least from a hardware perspective.

Prepping has been something a whole lot of people have been doing for a while now, for various reasons. I think it's crucial to be able to prepare oneself for various situations that can arise. Although we are limited on space, one of the things I think we pride ourselves on is being able to be prepared for different scenarios. One of the scenarios, living in New England where we could get considerable amounts of snow and sometimes lose electricity for a period of time, is being able to have a power supply that isn't one of the cars.

Strangely enough, I didn't even purchase this unit myself. A family member bought it for me for a present one year. Although I don't talk to them any longer, I do think of the gesture and appreciate that they did it since it's been important to have a long-term battery supply like this.


We recently had a snowstorm that dropped over a foot of snow in our area, some areas two feet of snow. That knocked out electricity for a lot of people, though thankfully not for us! One of the things to prepare for the storm though, I made sure that this battery was fully charged up!

This thing is pretty good and versatile I think. It's got a USB plug on it, a regular outlet plug, a cigarette lighter (aka car charging port for you young folks that never experienced cigarette lighters in cars lol) as well as some other nifty things like a light, car battery jumper cables and even an air pump. Needless to say, this thing is pretty useful to have around! I'm certainly grateful that I didn't need to use it that's for sure but I'm also glad that I have it in case we did lose electricity, it's good to have it around to charge our phones or do other necessary things. I hope to never have to test out the utility of it but it's good to know that it's there. The best part, it's not taking up a considerable amount of space! I wanted to get an electric generator to store in our place but unfortunately space is at a serious premium where we live so we couldn't safely store it.

This little unit fits the bill for temporary loss of electricity buffer so that we could have some modern comforts like a radio plugged into it among other things like just charging our phones.

We have some other supplies for our prepping stuff that I think I'll include in a future post but with the recent snowstorm, I wanted to make sure I at least got this crucial part of our supply listed!

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This type of thing is on my list of things I'd like to get too, a power bank. Easy enough to stash in a closet and keep charged up, even if you don't have a generator.

It's great and efficient! We can do a lot with it and I would like to think that we could do everything we needed to do from it for a day or two. I don't know how much the battery would last beyond two days of sparing use but can't know that until you test it out.

The size of it is great for sure. It's about the size of a paper shopping bag, height and width, and a little deeper than one so it can fit in a lot of different places. Important part is to keep it stored upright. It's a liquid battery like a car I think so it's volatile if stored on its side or something.