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RE: The confession

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll get back to my best after a few hundred rounds...I'm a little worried that my draw will be slow, but I will start off that way anyway, intentionally, to make sure I get the technique right as that's the main thing. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. That's a shooters motto...Well, shooters who need to shoot quickly anyway.


I am sure you will have no problems with this,so many years of experience are behind you 💪

Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm just overstating how bad I'll be because it sounds modest. In reality I'll be magnificent, no doubt. 😂

Galenk The Magnificent. Oh now I have all sort of heroic pictures in my mind😂

Haha, I'm not magnificent by any stretch of the imagination...Mediocre maybe. I can fucking shoot good...Still just mediocre all around though. I'm ok with it.

I have a rich mind and it only takes one word to trigger rivers of imagination😂 We are trying to be our best version, somedays we succeed, somedays we don't. We are cool humans and that's ok.

In real life I try to fly under the radar, keep a low profile. I'm actually a very shy dude (when not doing my job) and so just kind of fade back. Of course when with people I know it's a different story. I am a confident person, but that's because of my skills and ability, and not false bravado. I prefer to be the quiet achiever mostly.

This is a good mindset. Similar thinking here. I do not easily attach to people and it takes me quite a while until I get to know and trust somebody in order to slowly reveal myself. I do believe that the preparation for the greatest victories is done in silence. Let success speak for you. And with people.... I prefer a small circle. I think I could say there are many acquaintances but few true friends. I came to the conclusion it is better to be a shy person rather than an explosive one. You learn more through observation and listening....