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RE: Saturday stress reliever

in Outdoors and more4 years ago

Well, there's a few good ways for sure!

I'm with you on the reloading. I make handgun and rifle ammunition, some by volume and some are precision loads for my long range rifles etc. I find the repetitive actions relaxing, and I often have some music playing in the background. I usually close the workshop door and sit in there for hours, with snacks, and reload.

Meditation is not something I've ever really gotten into, or video games either for that matter. I know they're both used for relaxation purposes, meditation especially.

I think whatever works is legit, and what works for one may not for the other. As long as someone realises they're stressed and does something about it, how they do it is less important.


As long as someone realises they're stressed and does something about it

A lot of people like to deny they are under stress, they are the 40 somethings that have heart problems or issues. They will blame it all on something else like diet, meat, eggs, smoking, on anything other than stress.


I'd say I'm pretty good at realising I'm stressed, probably a 7/10 at it. I'd be a 9/10 in *dealing with it, working to mitigate it, I mean although I suppose it depends on what triggered the stress. It's such a dangerous condition to leave unchecked though, from a physical and mental health perspective.