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RE: Big Dream

in Outdoors and more5 months ago

Well... you gotta have that as well or it's all a dream, isn't it?

Just life.

But thank you. Both and the nightmares are short, these days, and don't scare me much anymore :D

It may have been. I think we connect via the ether somehow. I guess we'll never know for sure!

I didn't send that message. Yet. I did think about it but I'm "hoosing" here. That's ZA Lingo for trying to get something going! :D

And I don't like to rush the good things in life.

Brb always <3


Is tyt a legit acronym? Take you time?

Never rush the good things. Unless the good things are hockey pucks.

You :)

There'll be more time in a day or so.

And you're totally right! Never rush the good things... :)

TFY . Is that an acronym? Thanks for you.

Awww, TFY! Ditto. Should be, so long as it's not confused with the more flippant thanks, fuck you, reserved for incidents of mansplaining...

Oh... I try to stay Equanimous, these days. And practice Equality.

I have a son, you know. The boys are brutal af. Not easy to man up and stand up against them. Especially when you're a boy!

The Masks We Live In - tearjerker and awful!

I say let them start complaining so we can fix that shirt too already <3

Just fuck that to the "it's your fault or you're just a crazy bitch" thing already. Y'know? 🙄

Gaslighting 101. Maybe they should add that class at Ed-Care centers.