Gaming HSBI #18 [ESP/ENG]

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

Greetings appreciated Hivers



It is already a friday where the rains seem not to visit, we are in my country Ecuador on holiday since yesterday until Monday =^^= so there are many things to do and well at the moment we have been told that there will be no power cuts due to the lack of rain so let's hope it will be a holiday without surprises.

And well the beach was an option before but it's far away (8h) and more the change of weather since I'm in the mountains and it's cold and on the coast it's extremely hot, plus I didn't meet any bandits who know how to swim so I have the perfect excuse to go swimming =^^==

Also with my friends we are in a dota2 tournament where the first opening game gave them a beating xD they played an almost professional team, the second round was better we played with people similar to our medal and won 2 games, but this weekend we play again against another strong team that in the whole tournament has lost only 1 time.

It will be to prepare mentally for the game as it is eliminatory if we lose and we are disqualified, so we will try to do everything in our power and if not well we have fun and bother as always when we get together to play :3

Ya es un día viernes donde las lluvias parece que no van a visitar estamos en mi país Ecuador de feriado desde ayer hasta el lunes =^^= así que hay muchas cosas que hacer y bueno de momento nos han dicho que no habrá cortes de luz por la falta de lluvias así que esperemos sea un feriado sin sorpresas.

Y bien la playa antes era opción pero esta lejos (8h) y mas el cambio de clima ya que estoy en la sierra y es frio y a la costa esta el calor extremo, además no conocí ninguna bandida que sepa nadar para tener la excusa perfecta para ir a nadar =^^=

Además con mis amigos estamos en un torneo de dota2 en donde la primera partida de apertura les dieron una paliza xD les toco un team casi profesional, la segunda ronda a sido mejor nos toco con gente parecida a nuestra medalla y se gano 2 partidas, pero este fin de semana nos toca de nuevo contra otro team fuerte que en todo el torneo a perdido solo 1 vez.

Sera de irse preparando mentalmente para la partida ya que es eliminatoria si perdemos ya nos descalifican, por lo cual intentaremos hacer todo lo que este a nuestro alcance y sino bueno nos divertimos y molestamos como siempre cuando nos juntamos a jugar :3

Using the tool we found the winner, and it is: @outwars





How to participate?

Participate with an account (if I find out you use more you will be silenced)

Type the keyword: HiveGaming

Everyone must type the keyword in the comments of this post in order to participate.

Only one entry per person.

Avoid destructive or offensive comments no one wants to see that.... No one!

Bots are not invited

Votes are not required to participate, but support for better prizes is appreciated.

Participa con una cuenta (si descubro que usas más serás silenciado)

Escribe la palabra clave: HiveGaming

Todos deberán escribir la palabra clave en los comentarios de este post para poder participar.

Solo una entrada por persona.

Evitar los comentarios destructivos u ofensivos nadie quiere ver eso.... Nadie!

Los bots no están invitados

No es necesario votar para participar, pero se agradece el apoyo para conseguir mejores premios.
The winner will be announced the following Friday, special thanks to the participants **

The winner will receive 1 HSBI

>El ganador recibirá 1 HSBI

Solo para recordar la palabra clave debe ir junta ya que si la separan la herramienta no lo toma en cuenta y quedarían fuera del sorteo.

Just to remember the keyword must be together because if you separate them the tool does not take it into account and you will be out of the draw.

Let's go for more adventures

Translated with (free version)

Other participants: @necho41, @esbat, @nahueldare3627, @vaynard86, @efmm, @stekene, @angeluxx, @bombus, @olaf.gui, @henruc, @outwars, @juanmadota, @rosauradels,@servelle



a disfrutar el fin de semana ^^


Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @esbat.

esta bien ya estas participando :3



Congrats to the winner, please count me in HiveGaming

A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class.
It was a weapon of math disruption.

Credit: reddit
@daddydog, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of servelle

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

u are welcome :3

Count me in bro

My giveaway ends Sunday! It's fun to hand out HSBI!
Have a good weekend!

@daddydog! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (17/50)

count me in




Wow, thank you for the HSBI! Count me in again please. HiveGaming


Count me in.
IGN: @vaynard86


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@daddydog! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pirulito.zoado. (17/50)


@nahueldare3627 !LOL

What did the icicle say to the other icicle?
Nothing, they just hung out and chilled.

Credit: reddit
@daddydog, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of nahueldare3627

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

hello , me alegra que tengas electricidad HiveGaming

Count me in pls @juanmadota