A Day in the Life of a Huntress in Monster Hunter World | Selfie Contest - Hive Gaming Community

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Hi, my name is Miria, I am a hunter in Monster Hunter Wolrd. I love to go for a walk in the different areas of the new world. There are so many living things to see and photograph, that when I go out for a walk, I always carry my camera and my bow, since you never know when things are going to get pretty for the photo and ugly because of the danger.

Before fighting a monster, I always try to take some pictures. I have to keep my distance because otherwise they will attack me and my pictures will end up out of focus. But it's not my fault, taking a picture in view mode is so complicated that sometimes I feel like I'm programming some code for a new weapon lol.

My favorite part of going out for a walk is cutting off the tails of any monster that gets in my way. Don't get confused with my cute poses, when I have to be tough, I pull out my bow and fight. This is my most recent photo with one of the tails I cut off.

The tail was of a Rathian, I took a picture with her also for the memory. I tried to do some poses, but she was moving around a lot and I had to move so she wouldn't hit me. Maybe the camera flash had her disoriented or maybe she missed the tail. I had to wait for this monster to go to sleep in its nest to get a clear picture.

Sometimes when I go out for a walk, I ask for help from some kittens who protect me when things get bad. Maybe they help me because I'm half cat and I play with them all the time.

Being a hunter is not easy, sometimes I have to examine monster droppings to know if they are around. When that time comes, I put on my best face, hold my breath and smile for the picture.

I love to practice poses and dance passes, here I share some of them with you. Remember to give like and follow me.

Miria is my character created for Monster Hunter Wolrd. A game where we must go out to hunt monsters. Trying captures is not easy, the action is quite intense and the captures end a little bit out of focus. The simplest thing is to record a video, but always you can obtain some good images. I hope you liked them.

This post is for a Selfie contest organized by @Hivegc. If you want to participate, you can go to this post to read all the details.

Gaming Divice: PC with CPU AMD rayzen 7, 8gb RAM DDR4, Sapphire Radeon Rx580+ 8gb.

All images were taken directly from the game. Cover image made in power point with a instagram frame create by alicia_mb - www.freepik.es The screenshots were taken with Radeon Software gaming in the Windows version of the game. Gif create with Filmora.


A classic this game, I have not had the opportunity to play it again due to lack of a good PC but I love how Miria's excellence transmititis and you recorded everything she does.

Hahahaha I remember that thing about the excrement because it was a crazy thing but it played so that a high-level monster doesn't catch you by surprise.

hahaha it is always good to carry excrement to keep away monsters that come out by surprise while you are on a hunt.

 4 years ago  

As a veteran RPG player since the PS1 days, I never tried Monster Hunter. Now that I know that my low end laptop can run Citra 3DS emulator fine, I might as well try it.

In 3DS you have two good versions of the game. I hope you can try and enjoy them as much as I do.

 4 years ago  

Thanks, I will test them this weekend.

¡Hermano esto está brutal! A pesar de que nunca he jugado el MH Worlds si he jugado casi todas las versiones anteriores, recuerdo el montón de horas que pasaba nada mas para prepararme para cazar a la Rathian y al Rathalos, sobretodo cuando vas con arco y flecha que le añade un toque diferente de dificultad, qué buenas fotos le sacaste a tu personaje.

Me pregunto qué monstruos clásicos estarán en MH Worlds? Seguirá por ahí el Diablos y el Monoblos o serán ya un olvido de la historia? Jajaja

Excelente participación 🙌🏻

Gracias, ojala tengas la oportunidad de jugar a MHW. La preparación es parte de la diversión, nunca crees estar lo suficientemente preparado hasta que ya estas luchando y no hay vuelta atrás. En esta version tienes tanto a Rathian y como a Rathalos, inclusive en versiones un poco mas agresivas de lo normal. También tienes al famoso diablos, incluso en una versión negra que es mas rápida y agresiva. El Monoblos sino esta en esta versión, pero me atrevo a decir que hay mucha diversidad de monstruos, creo que es el que más tiene. Que bueno encontrar un jugador de Monster Hunter por estos lados jajaja.

Jajaja hermano fiel jugador de Monster Hunter desde el PSP y Monster Hunter Tri en el Wii jajaja esas peleas submarinas eran una locura jajaja pienso igual que tú, hacen falta más entusiastas de esta enorme franquicia.

Recuerdo cuando buscaba vídeos de muchísimas personas en party matando al Kushala Daora y al dragón gigantezco que no recuerdo cómo se llamaba, el que es considerado el monstruo más grande de toda la historia de MH, una locura total.

¡Excelente participación!

Thank you for your comment. I have been a fan of Monster Hunter for years, I enjoy going out to fight those beasts. You must like the game to spend time on it, if you have never played MH, starting with Monster Hunter World is very good, but it all depends on your games to-do list.

The adult life makes you select a game well before dedicating the few free hours lol.

Thank you for your comment about the banner design. I usually publish cooking and video game content, so my world is divided between those two things hahaha. Thanks

Wow, i love it. Thanks for that page, I didn't know it. I already added it to my list of favorites. Recreating food from video games, what a good idea. Amazing!