Toasty Sausage Tortellini Soup On A Cold Crisp Night

in HiveGarden9 months ago

Sausage Tortellini Soup.jpg

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night!

Crisp Cool Fall Days and Nights, and a hearty soup comes to mind! Follow along, in this video, as I show you a robust, healthy recipe for a wonderful cool evening's soup. My gardens are in New England, zone 6b/7a.

Please let me know in the comments, do you like soups? robust and hearty? light? Homemade, or fast and easy to make? Let me know, below!

Most of you know, I prefer locally grown food. It's healthier for my family, and for the planet. In fact, I prefer to grow my own food. I know what goes into my foods, and what chemicals are NOT in my food. Also, It cuts down on carbon emissions, less trucking to get fresh foods to my table.

And that makes me smile... better for the planet, better for my own family.

Some of the ingredients I used in this recipe:
• Shredded Zucchini and Shredded Carrot
• Diced Tomato and Tomato Sauce
• Sweet Italian Sausage, no skins, sautéed
• Sautéed Garlic Cloves and Diced Onion
• Beef Broth, and Red Wine (I like a hearty Cabernet)
• Fresh (or dried) Oregano, Parsley, and Thyme
• Cheese Tortellini
• Freshly Grated, Aged Parmesan Cheese

#SausageTortelliniSoup #soup #garden #gardentips #homesteading #kitchen #recipes #cooking

Consider Sharing this video, and Subscribing on YouTube. It really helps me out if you subscribe to my YouTube Channel...
...and of course, if you SHARE the Video, too! MANY Thanks!

Watch below, to see how I created this perfect Soup for a Cool, Crisp, Fall Evening!

Most of you know, I prefer to grow my own food, locally. It's healthier for my family, and for the planet. I know what goes into my foods, and what chemicals are NOT in my food. Also, It cuts down on carbon emissions, less trucking, planes, trains, and boats, to get fresh foods to my table.

And that makes me smile... better for the planet, better for my own family.

Are you growing and gardening? Are you participating in GroVid23? use the hashtag #growvid23 for your gardening posts, too!

Let me know below in the comments...

#recipes #pumpkinseeds #food #gardening #gardentips #homesteading #cooking

Show me your garden!
Leave me a comment, below...
and a link to your #GroVid23 garden!

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid23 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy Gardening and Cheers,

All Images by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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This pot looks so yummy.
It's good to eat good and healthy food that I am in support.

thank you, and it was amazingly tasty

I love this I must say , looks so yummy , nice post

It really is a family and friends favorite, each time we make it!
Thanks for watching.

I'm a guy and I derive pleasure in making my food to buying from outside.... and that's because I know how to cook very well too😄

I do love to cook!

That's good bro✌️✌️

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 181 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thats an impressive, hearty soup! Looks delicious. We love homemade soups. Currently enjoying some homemade matzah ball soup to try and fight off a cold. We also still have some tomato soup in the fridge from this summer. We make lots of jars of tomato soup and gradually work through them.

the other day, I made an entire Thanksgiving Dinner! I always do a test run, before the big day itself. Form that, I made broth from the Turkey carcass, and made a turkey noodle soup. As well, I made a butternut squash soup, from a couple butternut squash out of the garden. That's on top of the Sausage Tortellini Soup. The sausage tort is the heaviest/heartiest, and the turkey noodle is the lightest.

Wow a full run through... thats hard core 🙂

well, one tiny missing element: Cranberry Sauce.
And we were all cranky without!