Garden Update - Day Eight Watering - Bike Trip Photos

in HiveGarden2 months ago

Hello Everyone,

Today I watered the plants with a tub (seven gallons) of pH adjusted water. I lower the pH on the tap water because it's a bit high for these plants.

I'm not sure if this is a great idea or not, but I've heard of people having issues with their gardens around these parts, and I notice a lot of people use tap water garden hoses to water their gardens. The water pH here is around 7 and maybe even a little higher than that in some areas, so my thinking is that it's not a bad idea to try pH adjusting with this garden.




I feel like the plants look a little stressed. I'm hoping they were just a bit thirsty and that maybe this drink of water will have them looking perky tomorrow.


I also took an E-bike trip to the Syracuse Inner Harbor today.

IMG_20240503_173912597 (1).jpg

I decided to take some photographs with my Moto G 5G 2022. There is some beautiful tulips all over the place, and the cherry blossom trees look amazing this year as well.





These tulips are rather beautiful, wouldn't ya say? :)




Syracuse New York Inner Harbor


It was a beautiful day for a bike ride. It was barely warm with a pleasant breeze and the sun was shining. I had a great time. I even got caught looking an attractive woman's behind in passing, and couldn't help but to laugh when she sassily whipped her head around with lightning speed and a very serious "I caught you Mister" look in her eyes.

I'll probably work on the May Garden Journal Challenge tomorrow. My friend @owasco just informed me about the challenge and I feel like it would be fun to partake in, so I'm going to set my focus on it tomorrow. Have a look at this if you're someone who gardens and feel like you can contribute to the challenge!

That's gonna do it for today.

Thank you for stopping by.

Have a great day! -@futuremind

 2 months ago  

I sure look forward to your entry!

How nice that you can get around now! I love that you got that bike.

Yeah the pH of tap water here is very high too. I'm trying to adjust the pH of the soil to adjust. How did you adjust the pH of the water?

Thank you!

I've been enjoying getting mobile again! The bike was a good buy and has been working really great for helping me get around. Walking is not very safe around here and cabs are very expensive.

I adjust the pH with an acidic fluid product that's sold on Amazon and eBay. I am not sure what I think of it because I don't know exactly what it's made from, but lemons work really good for pH adjusting too. It's not really recommended to pH with lemons because of potential molds and what not.. but I've not had any issues using lemons in the past. They sell little tester kits online with the adjustment fluids, it's relatively easy.

Here's my entry!, thanks for telling me about the Garden Hive challenge!

sharing is caring

I love the cherry blossom trees
The flowers look so cute

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