Garden Update - Day Five

in HiveGarden2 months ago

Hello Everyone,

Today not much has changed from yesterday with the garden, but all of the plants are looking a little bigger and super healthy.







Everything is looking great as far as I can see, and we had some more rain today as well. The ground is plenty wet and the plants are loving it.

I also have some cannabis starting indoors.

It will be staying indoors for the entirety of its life.






I previously tried germinating some seeds but they didn't end up sprouting. These are a seed that I pulled from a Green Crack Auto flowering plant, pollenated by Big Mack Superstar and Miracle Mack.

It will be interesting to see what happens with these because they could end up being auto flowering, or maybe they will be standard photo period, or maybe a mix of both.

I have three sprouted with four total, and feel pretty confident the fourth will pop, but if it doesn't it's not a huge deal, I'm happy with three.

How is everything looking?

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a great day! -@futuremind


Nature do wonders and planting is one of them.

For sure, they are happy out here in nature.

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Thank you! <3

That looks sweet!

Thank you @ganjafarmer!

This is great, you did a nice and beautiful work, well done gardener

Thank you for the kind words @pepefashion!

Those weeds that didn’t sprout may later be flowers as you have said
Maybe you doing give it sometime

That's right, things are looking more beautiful and will grow bigger with time because you are giving them all the things they need in time.

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Thank you @djbravo! Trying my best here. The toughest part is keeping up with everything, but there is not much to do with the plants at the moment.

Most welcome dear.

Awesome man. Your Crack Mack seeds will be pretty interesting to watch grow. It will be pretty cool to see what comes out of crossing the autoflower with regular seeds.

Thanks man.
I'm pretty excited about these Crack Mack seeds actually. Regardless of what happens, I'm currently the only person in the entire world with these Crack Mack's, so this makes them special no matter what in my book :D

That’s so cool. You will be the first to smoke it too.

I don't miss the cramp small place, but I do miss the Mars settings though 🤣

The weed tents will look like Mars again soon 😂

Lookin Good Bro! And you got some tomatoes going too.. Nice. 💪

Thanks brother! I probably need to add some trellis supports for them :D