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RE: Day One Of My Garden

in HiveGarden2 months ago

Thanks so much @owasco!

I'm undecided if I will grow some chili peppers in the garden this year but maybe. I have some seeds so I might germinate some.

I was thinking last night I should have probably used chicken wire, and this plastic stuff was 18 dollars for a roll anyway which I think is kind of expensive for fifty feet of cheap plastic.

I probably could have spent four hours in that greenhouse but the driver seemed to be in a bit of a hurry and we were only there for maybe twenty minutes.

 2 months ago  

You got a great selection. Sam's suggestion of seeded crops is good too, although birds may have gotten all of my seeds this year.

I tried to imagine you getting all these thing safely to your house on your bike.

It would have been too far of a trip for the bike lol.
The neighbors want to be a part of it , so they are helping with rides to get supplies/plants. His girlfriend more so but he's excited about it too.

 2 months ago  

That's really great! What a difference from your last neighbors!


All really easy, the herbs are perennial, and not much bothers any of them.