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RE: Day One Of My Garden

in HiveGarden2 months ago

I'm delighted! Lovely start!

What?! No chili peppers? That surprises me.

Consider at least 4 foot wide chicken wire, which is kind of expensive but much more sturdy. Leave a one foot "apron" flush on the ground on the outside of the plot. Put rocks on the apron. Digging animals go laterally as far as they can, then dig down, so they'd be trying to dig through chicken wire. If deer are a problem, use inexpensive 7 or 8 foot stakes, and string deer fencing, or that plastic you already have, up high so they don't jump over.

Looks really good! I'm so happy for you!


Thanks so much @owasco!

I'm undecided if I will grow some chili peppers in the garden this year but maybe. I have some seeds so I might germinate some.

I was thinking last night I should have probably used chicken wire, and this plastic stuff was 18 dollars for a roll anyway which I think is kind of expensive for fifty feet of cheap plastic.

I probably could have spent four hours in that greenhouse but the driver seemed to be in a bit of a hurry and we were only there for maybe twenty minutes.

 2 months ago  

You got a great selection. Sam's suggestion of seeded crops is good too, although birds may have gotten all of my seeds this year.

I tried to imagine you getting all these thing safely to your house on your bike.

It would have been too far of a trip for the bike lol.
The neighbors want to be a part of it , so they are helping with rides to get supplies/plants. His girlfriend more so but he's excited about it too.

 2 months ago  

That's really great! What a difference from your last neighbors!


All really easy, the herbs are perennial, and not much bothers any of them.