 2 years ago  

Hey man, thanks for passing by! Yeah it's all good, you lose some you win some etc...Next year, I am interested to see if us eradicating the hornets will help with bees pollinating.

I am richer of an old coin 😁 I might have misplaced it though...

Hopefully the bees come back.

Lost it already!?! Maybe it's like the ring of power trying to work it's way back to it's master and you were just an intermediate step along the way....

Okay that was stupid haha 😂

 2 years ago  

Ah! Someone has been under the influence of the lord Bezos!

I am scared to ask, did you also enjoy ROP?

I am saying "also", because a friend of mine enjoyed it too, we're still friends, we're good, we're good...

I actually haven't watched it yet. We are working through other series right now so we keep putting it off. I should watch it soon before I start hearing spoilers.
Yeah I heard there are mixed reviews. Some love it and others hate it. I know that a lot of folks are unhappy that it deviates from the original ideas. I'll watch with an open mind and likely treat it as a new interpretation. As long as it does a better job than the Hobbit...

 2 years ago  

Ther other series that you're "working through", is there dragons? 😁

I'll watch with an open mind and likely treat it as a new interpretation. As long as it does a better job than the Hobbit...

You're a much better person than I am, but we all knew that didn't we? 🤣

I did episode 1 of ROP and I said "naaah, I like Tokien too much for that shit, but you know me, I am proably the worst audience. Very difficult to please, highly oriented on character developpment, script, and I truly hate ideologies being shoved down my throat (we had "the chat" before about that 😁)
I can't blame people for wanting to watch it though, it's an expensive show for sure.

No, shit. We don't have HBO so I can't watch House of Dragons at the moment. I need our android box to come back from France so I can stream it or something. No our current series are pretty lame by most peoples standards im sure - Downtown Abbey, and the Great Canadian Baking Show.... hahaha 😂

Oh wow you didn't even make it past E1!?! Well I understand your reasoning. I'll even give Wheel of Time Season 2 a chance despote believing that they ruined the series with S1 😂
Maybe I like punishment. Or maybe I just have too much hope lol

 2 years ago  

. I need our android box to come back from France so I can stream it or something.

PSsssss...Bro...You want links?

I don't know what's that box you're talking about, I am using something crazy, it's called the I N T E R N E T...😄

I'll even give Wheel of Time Season 2 a chance despote believing that they ruined the series with S1 😂

This is what I am talking about, you're a good man full of hopes. They will rip your fandom off with your heart, these corporates bastards!

Downtown Abbey, and the Great Canadian Baking Show.... hahaha 😂

Hahaha just a weekend of pure fun ahead.

I can send you an illegal stream of the UFC if you want, it starts in 20 minutes... I mean...Not illegal...I mean I can send you a paying link, that's what I meant...