Gardening by Haiku

in HiveGarden8 months ago


I love to write haiku, so this week's creative garden challenge is right up my alley! Turns out, I have written and posted quite a lot of haiku about my garden, and have often thought about compiling them all into one post. Looks like today is the day. Choosing only three of them will be tough!!! But here they are, starting with my favorite:

zucchini proves
that invisibility
is a thing


japanese beetles
inspire me to embrace
my inner killer


did I use logic,
or was I told by the plant?
thought in a garden

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This is my entry to The Hive Garden community's weekly creative garden challenge for this week. I may have cheated by using previously published poems! I hope no one minds.




When the haiku is as good as yours is, nobody minds a repeat:)

 8 months ago  

xoxoxoxoxo. I already know your favorite among these three.

It's Zucchini for the win but the Japanese beetles come a really close second.

did I use logic,
or was I told by the plant?
thought in a garden

I enjoyed this one. It's a very Gaian poem :)

 8 months ago  

Oh thank you so much for that comment! Yes! I had to look up Gaian to be sure, but this poem regards nature as one big ole superpower, all of us included. We humans think we think for ourselves, but what if our thoughts communications from other beings? We can do so much more than we have been told we can do.

Yes! I had to look up Gaian to be sure, but this poem regards nature as one big ole superpower, all of us included

That's sort of what I meant :) By Gaian, I meant the Greek Earth goddess, Gaia. It is a vague reference to Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock Gaia theory, the idea that all of nature is a single organism. 🌿

 8 months ago  

I like being a tiny part of an enormous organism. Thank you for seeing that in my poem.

I love it too!! Reminds me of a book I've slowly been reading,
Evolutionary Herbalism: Science, Spirituality, and Medicine from the Heart of Nature
by Sajah Popham and Matthew Wood | Apr 30, 2019


Sajah Popham considers the holistic relationship among plants, humans, and the underlying archetypal patterns in Nature ... a unique integration of clinical herbalism, Ayurveda, medical astrology, spagyric alchemy, and medical and esoteric traditions from across the world into a truly holistic system of plant medicine ... A balance of the heart and the mind, and the science and spirit of people and plants, Evolutionary Herbalism provides a holistic context for how plants can be used for transformational levels of healing for the body, spirit, and soul. For both the student herbalist and experienced practitioner, Popham’s original perspectives guide readers to a more intimate, synergistic, and intuitive relationship with the plant kingdom, people, and Nature as a whole.

There's a lot to this interconnection between us and the rest of nature, but it is positively bizarre when one tries to grasp it holistically. It takes highly receptive people to get in the green groove, if you know what I mean. For most us, herbs and vegetables are for putting in our mouths not communing with nature 😆 Too bad because there are many dimensions underlying plant wisdom.

Great to see you @carolkean! 🌼

Great to see you too, @litguru, thanks!
And I agree: most of us lack that knack for communing with nature. Sounds like you may have read the opening pages of that book...? It's wild to think some people actually "hear" messages from plants. Do I believe it? Doesn't matter - as long as they believe, and they get results (from some herbal remedy).

Sounds like you may have read the opening pages of that book...?

I have not read the book, but it might be one of those cases that we all arrive at a common truth from independent streams.

It's wild to think some people actually "hear" messages from plants.

Some artists and researchers are now using technology to translate some of the plant signals into auditory signals. Intuitively, we've known that plants can be affected by touch, but hard evidence is hard to come by. Now take a look at this fascinating video:

I almost attended a mushroom music concert but alas it was not to be

I almost attended a mushroom music concert but alas it was not to be

Now that's a provocative statement. :)
A mushroom concert....?
Instead of ear plugs, you'd need hearing aids....?
Or you just need PlantWave - translating electricity into sound.

I think the concert was going to feature the synthesized sounds of mushrooms jamming with a local band, which sounds totally like a Vancouver thing to do. I read about this musician recently. It might've been him in the concert but don't quote me on that.

 8 months ago  

I'm glad to see the scarabs made an appearance ;)

 8 months ago  

They are gorgeous creatures. Too bad they must die.

@tipu curate

 8 months ago  

Thank you!!!!

I love your haikus'. If I may ask, how are you doing with your new acquaintance? I hope you found someone to spend the days with. I was thinking of you the other day, how I have not seen any of your posts lately, then I remembered you found a "friend" and I smiled for you.

 8 months ago  

You are so sweet! My absence does have some to do with his presence in my life. I'm not sure where it will go, of course, but it's still very nice.

I am so happy for you

beautiful beetle

 8 months ago  

The prettiest insect I know of, and the most deadly to my food source!

love the last one

open for the spirits of the alive


 8 months ago  

Communing with the source of all. We don't have to think nearly as much as we do. Our thinking can be so easily controlled!

I had to look at that photo a couple of times before I figured out what was going on there. I thought it was just his reflection at first.

Lovely haiku's my friend!

 8 months ago  

Thank you my dear friend!!!

I have a thing for photos of insects copulating

Fabulous creative, dear, @owasco

 8 months ago  

Thank you!

I love your second haiku as it reminds me of Aikido ;)

 8 months ago  

lol I do Tai Chi. That helps me embrace my inner killer too.

 8 months ago  

Sorry I took so long to get to this - just been a bit out of sorts and all over the place. I've been racking my brains about how to do haiku all weekend, because I'm not in practice as you are!

japanese beetles
inspire me to embrace
my inner killer

This one is my favourite, but I love how they are all little garden lessons and delightfully funny too!

Very nice! I always enjoy your posts...and I love haikus!



Bright day and dark night
Are not enough to avoid
You. So I walk away.

Parents who deny
Their child’s behavior do
Not help anyone

Why should I listen
To you? Your words do not make
Sense to any that hear

by Teri Schlesinger

 7 months ago  

haha. I'll bet she lives in Park Slope, Brooklyn, very judgmental people!
Lousy haiku too, if you ask me. Just wrong!

YES, that was my thought. Aside from being mean-spiritied, the haiku was not good. LOUSY fits!!!

Came across the haiku insults on Facebook.
None are directed at you @owasco!!!