Building from scratch - Early November Garden Journal

in HiveGarden2 years ago

The rain destroyed everything this year


It has been long since I wrote my last garden journal. The reason being I literally gave up doing anything. This year rain destroyed everything and at one point of time, I decided to quit, because it was impossible to work with wet soil. It's not that I did not try, this is how my garden was.




Before leaving to Pune, I bought a big pipe (so that my son can water the plants) and planted these flower plants, expecting they would be still growing and be ready by early Winter. But unfortunately continuous rain destroyed everything except the Curry leaves plant and Malabar Spinach.


You can see there are some holes in these leaves - continuous rain is a heaven for insects. After the rain stopped, I started building it from scratch. Taking out the soil in each of these pots, making them light, by adding Coco pit, Vermicompost and putting back is not an easy task - especially when you have so many pots. So I decided to work in phases as its affecting my back as well. After I made the first batch pots ready, walked into a nearby nursery to bring some saplings.














To my surprise, all they had is only Chrysanthemum saplings in good condition. When nature takes revenge, no one is spared. They must be having almost hundred people working there - ya, its a big govt nursery expanding several acres of land. But when it rains, what can they do even !! Got some ill french imca saplings from them and then I decided to cut stems from my plants and replant them. Ever seen an Aloe Vera flower ?



I had planted just one Aloe Vera and see how they grew - over productive. So decided to threw them and plant something else. I have one more in good condition in my balcony but they are over productive there as well. Need to separate them and replant again. Before taking these out, took a snap of that lovely flower, the orange color is soothing, isn't it ? .



The spinach started growing nicely after some care.





Mint leaves were dead and luckily it grew from those dead stems. Prepared the Jeevamrutha from Cow dung for organic growth.



As of today, this is how it is.






All most more than 30 hrs of work to get this far - called in a person to help, but unfortunately you don't get people to work as you desire.


Whenever I used to work on the rooftop , whoever would come, praise the growth of that Malabar Spinach. So finally I decided to cut it and enjoy the organic taste.



Have you ever felt the taste of vegetable alone ? Like you can distinguish the taste of it from the spices that is used in cooking. It would happen only if its organic and this fleshy Malabar Spinach was no way less than mutton.




Since then we have enjoyed this three times cutting these stems and allowing them to grow again. It's so tasty that we don't waste any part of it - the stem alone mixed in any curry can change your craving for food. And if you do not know the benefits of Malabar Spinach, then I highly encourage you to do some research and grow it yourself - easy to grow with lot of benefits.


Hopefully we will see some nice colors and fresh flowers in couple of weeks. I am not using all pots at once - lessons from past. Keeping few of them for second phase, so that I can have flowers in entire Winter. Again, that's the plan, but you never know !!!

Hive Garden Journal.png



copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.


You really have a nice garden!

It is quite difficult to handle a garden in the roof top. As because from where I am it is literally impossible to have a place of your own for a garden when you are at a rented house. Thus the top floor becomes a perfect place for garden.

My mother maintains a small garden and she sure is dedicated to make it work. Although, she does a great job and there were several times where we had the fresh vegetables in our table. Potato, green chili, red chili, pumpkin, few different types of other vegetables as well. But I must say it is a stress. bringing everything at the top floor and watering them from time to time, bringing fertilizer from different nurseries. It is indeed a hassle but I suppose its all worth it.

But I must say it is a stress

I would say its lot of work but not stress because whoever loves gardening enjoys it - when you see the result, you are overwhelmed.

when you see the result, you are overwhelmed.

I need to feel that from within. Probably when I get my own garden and I do all the tasks then I will be able to attain that feeling. One day!

Exactly, when you feel it from within...

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It has to be extremely disappointing to have worked so hard and put in so much time and not get the results you expect. At one time or another, every Gardner experiences situations out of our control and are at the mercy of mother nature.
Despite your disappointment, it's nice to see you back at it.
We have never had much luck with spinach, but the Malabar Spinach looks so healthy and looks like it may be a stronger type of plant. We will have to give it a try next year.

They say patience is a virtue and you seem to be a patient gentleman that will do what it takes to have your roof-top garden thrive.

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Oh I love those spinach and its good to eat them with other vegetables.

Keep it going @sanjeevm for sure you will reap soon what you have sown.

Aloevera loves hot weather right?

Yes, Aloe Vera loves tropical weather.

I think the roof is closer to the sky hence the pressure of the rainfall is bound to be higher than that, I guess. However, I won't say you haven't tried, but the rainfall in some countries can bring some consequences. It's good to see that your spinach did grow well for consumption

This year was pretty bad, even the nurseries could not save their saplings. Climate change impact is visible.

It is true my friend that this year rains have done a lot of damage everywhere. But we should not give up and start again. It's great that you are making a new garden.

Cannot give up for ever, have a strong affinity towards plants.

@tipu curate

To have a nursery in walking distance, I think I'm glad I don't. I'd be so broke... LOL

That spinach is impressive!

Everyone had eye on that spinach, so before someone steal, I thought why not I enjoy 😀

I could feel how painful it is when rain destroys the plants you've been taking care of. I really love the look of that dish and I wish I could have some taste.

We are good at eating tasty foods 😀

Sorry about what the rain did to all your hard work. O am sure you'll get things together again. Very nice pictures on another note

Yes, it will take a while, but eventually I will get it rebuilt.

Thats the spirit champ!

The rain did very much things this year and at some point, I was thinking if the rain won't continue till next year because it rained late. But it was productive to some farmer's also tho, they are able to see better yield from what they planted

Yes this year has been painful. Hopefully, we don't see any more low pressure situations.

Yeah I hope so too.. it was so Intense and almost unbearable

Let's hope that this time the rains don't damage your garden so much, friend. Honestly, I am impressed by the place where he went to look for some of the shoots to replant. Greetings and much success in this new opportunity with planting

Thank you.

a question in how long I thought I could have a garden full of the blessings that nature offers us

However, due to heavy rains and cyclone-related problems in the past month, many have had problems with their gardens, i.e. crop damage. The garden photographs you have shared are truly amazing. Hope every plant in the garden grows well and yields well.

At least majority of them should grow well, giving us flowers in the winter.

Gardening is nice activity and you have good space on your rooftop. Home grown veggies are best to eat and even the taste is awesome ad there is no pesticides used. Great work done.

Yes, not using pesticides is very important. Using fertilizers, we can grow the plants quickly but then it defeats the purpose. I never use chemicals.

Nice garden, it is hard to maintain it but worth the effort when we get to eat the fresh vegetables without any preservatives. Even we have a garden at our house and we also grow vegetables and fruits there.

Yes, if one has place, then growing own food is the best thing that you can do for your health.

your garden needs special care since the place where it is located both the rain and the wind and having no protection are easy targets. But as long as you enjoy Spinach a lot and the good thing is that you don't lose anything since even the stem is used

I am also a fan of spinach because I love eating anyday, anytime.

😊😉🤙🌈 That's a nice rainbow of pots/plants!

wow! that spinach sure was a great grower!

sorry about the rain giving you troubles! :(

the plants in the greenhouse grow great tho!

Winter will be a charm, if no low pressure :)

i wish you the best for your plants @sanjeevm :)

those mints plants are good looking!! i love mint tea

Thank you so much.

The aloe Vera is actually looking quite fresh

Your garden is so beautiful.
Keep up the good work

Lots of plants! We also just started homesteading because prices of vegetables and fruits are too high. It will help during the crisis.

 2 years ago  

Awesome garden @sanjeevm, you just proved to us that gardening can be done anywhere even on concrete rooftops☺...

And I agree with you preparing the soil and all its mixtures of organic fertilizers, and planting pots or areas are no easy tasks. It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience. I commend you for utilizing organic fertilizers, it's a good thing.

Salute to all the gardeners. Thank you for sharing this. I learned something useful for my garden too.

Sending big hugs. 🥰

I´m sorry to hear about your troubles again but I really admire your perstistence and dedication. That´s some impressive farming efforts from you that I hope will be rewarded eventually :) Good luck!

Thank you, hopefully, I get my flowers :)

Well that is both an incredible garden and a great source of food, both natural and almost magical in taste, so it is great to have it around, or in the rooftop in your case. Big hug and hope they keep growing this big and beautiful.

 2 years ago  

Dear @sanjeevm , I'm so sorry I took so long to get to this. Just been so busy and hard to keep up with all the great #gardenjournal posts. First of all sorry about the rain - that explains why we haven't seen you much. What a pain. But goodness, that spinach loved it and my mouth is watering at the sight of that meal! Especially the deep fried leaves - I'm now so hungry! I agree that homegrown food is just miles above in taste. Lovely to see you!

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 2 years ago  

At the roof top? Nice! I like it...