Enjoying Nature With My Husband 🏊🏽‍♀️🌳🪨 Steung Kach, Cambodia



Today it is not rain and the weather is good. After lunch my husband went to remove the some wood from our hut, because it’s broken and lost some wood in the flooded from before days. Then I followed him for help.


It’s a hard working and can not remove all for a day. Maybe we need some one for help us. We take some wood and lift it up. I fell many times because the ground was soft, it hurt me and there was a little blood, but it was okay for me.


After we were tired, we wanted to go swimming on the other side. That side is the waterfall from the mountain and the water is always clear no matter how much rain.

This big tree used to be on the waterfall, but when the heavy rains and floods of the previous day made it move here and there, it was stuck with other living trees and rocks.


My husband took the pictures of me in his arms. I love this picture, it's like he wants to tell me that in his arms and his heart is only me hahaha 🫢😁😜. It’s right @justinparke?


This picture you can see our cabin. I love this view from there. It’s not clear photo because it’s in the evening.



Every day, especially at night, we always hear the sound of waterfalls, and it is like music to make us fall asleep early.


This plants are like to living with dead trees and I have to pick them to put in my garden in next month too. I will show you of it in next time.



Now we got a bigger river than before. But I hope the rain can stop for a long time to make the soil hard and easy to do something else.


Today my husband and I are busy but also enjoy with nature. I hope you enjoyed it too. Have a beautiful day everybody.


Monkey B

The river water is very clear and the natural rocks in my opinion make the river water clear and it seems very cool to bathe in the river where you are. The big trees may not be able to drift easily because they are held up by the large rocks in the river. I saw me too. the wild plants that grow in the river are almost similar to the wild plants in the rivers in my place and the atmosphere is very natural if you go to the rivers like in the photo you want to bathe and have fun in the river.

You are very lucky to find a place to live that is so close to nature and also supported by your family who feels at home in that place, especially I see your husband really likes natural places such as rivers or forests near where you live, but because maybe Where you live, which is closer to a mountainous area, the rainfall will be high and I think that it often happens in tropical areas like my country, Indonesia, because the mountainous area often rains and the rain is also heavy, causing flooding in the rivers in the mountains. .

I see what you are not romantic with your husband so I see rarely or your husband tells the stories of the two of you like the old story, maybe this is a bit unethical for your family to tell more personal things in this hive so I understand things like that.

And your post is quite interesting for me because I see you closer and enjoy the nature that is near, very different from the situation in Suriname before maybe it was something that was carried out even though it was hard and now you have found a place to live that has beauty that you can enjoy every day with your family.

I hope everything gets better but at least you are okay and healthy. I love the hand photo. It's soooooo cute!!!!!!

 2 years ago  

Yes, everything is okay and better now. Thank you my dear.

I love those photos Justin took of you on the log! Such a pretty lady in such a pretty setting! 💜

 2 years ago  

You are so kind 😉. Thank you so so much @thekittygirl 💚

I love the photo you shared. And I really want to play in the river too

 2 years ago  

I am glad you love it and I hope you could to visit in the river soon.

It is nice to spend some time in nature.

 2 years ago  

Yes, it’s really nice and we are always happy with nature.

 2 years ago  

What a beautiful place you live in👍

 2 years ago  

Yes, we live in beautiful place 😊💚

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