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RE: Making some Oxymel, Old School Infusions

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago

Really great post! I'm reminded of Fire Cider, similar, with slightly different ingredients. Fresh green peppercorns, you are so lucky. I've never been able to get them fresh.

Nothing beats using a mortar and pestle, does it? I find that when done by hand that way, the taste is noticeably different.

Wickedly good looking hot sauce too! Hand made is the best. YUM. You know your stuff!


I do my best, The Mortar and Pestle are never far from hand in the kitchen. The Hot sauce is amazing, has tons of heat and flavor. So its not like eating a raw chilli pepper.

Green peppercorns are hard to come by here but there are a few speciality shops that carry them locally so its always handy.

You certainly do very well. I can't argue on a mortar and pestle. I have three.

Hot sauce is a favourite of mine and you're right, not like eating raw chilli pepper (I like that too, but stop before ghost peppers). I find you can create so many different kinds of hot sauce.

I wish longingly for those green peppercorns, just to experience once.