Welcoming myself back to the platform with an entry into the #monomad contest

in Black And White3 years ago (edited)

So much has changed since the last time I've been here. So much that here is somewhere over there now, and I no longer speak the Lingua Franca.

I don't see too many familiar faces, but maybe those faces, like mine, are obscured by some new lines.

The good news is: I've been busy. Creating, living, traveling. I even held down an honest-to-goodness paying gig as a reporter for a few years. Technically, I still am. But I'm taking some time off so I don't hope off the proverbial train before it's come to a complete stop, so to speak.

One of the things that have kept me sane in recent months is photography, and so for my first post back in 4 years or so, I'll share a couple of my recent favourites in this here #monomad contest, with hopefully more to come in the months, weeks, and years ahead.

(A7iii, 100-400gm)

This is probably the picture that I think about the most. Since I purchased a 4' fine art photo printer, I might have a go at some of the local coffee shops to see if they want to hang one or two prints for sale. Does anyone have thoughts on pricing (Canada)? Never tried to sell my work before. I'd like to start, but the sheer volume and quality of work that can be bought online for less than a dollar is a bit discouraging.

(A7ii, 50mm 1.8 Zeiss)

Anyone want to take a guess where this was taken? There are a few clues in the photos - but I bet a local will be able to pick it out no problem. They might be known for the tea, but I had some damn good coffee here.

borob works-12.jpg
(A7ii, 50mm 1.8 Zeiss)

You know, everyone gives all the attention to Angkor Wat (Thanks Laura Croft) but for me, the coolest temples I had a chance to visit were in Indonesia. Driving up to Borobudur, past the imposing Mount Merapi, is something I relive often.

One of the craziest things I learned was that this Buddhist temple and two other Hindu temples built thousands of years ago, sit in a near-perfect triangle within 100 km of each other. As the story goes, back in the day a Buddhist and a Hindu king had a bit of a pissing contest with each other, each building grand temples, and each dedicating them in honour to the other leader.

It's nice to think of religions getting along like that.

Indonesia was probably one of my favourite places - great food, great people, and amazing sights.

If you have the chance to go, I'd recommend Yogyakarta - if you can pull yourself away from the beaches of Bali.

Thanks for coming out folks! I won't wait another four years before heading back this way.

With love,



Also - the owl is an Eastern Screech for anyone wondering!

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