| MONOMAD | Oblivion

in Black And White3 months ago (edited)


Trees only watch
when verses and dry leaves 
speak softly together.

Last night I wanted to write this post, but there was one detail that left me speechless: oblivion.


I felt a strong emotion when I read this paper, which is not signed, as you can notice. I was so moved that a tear ran down my cheek. I'm a bit of a fool, yes, you know that.

It's not signed - that's all I kept repeating in my mind.

Who wrote it? - And I wracked my brain mercilessly trying to find some clue or answer there.

This person said it, foreshadowed it somehow: I'm an amnesiac.


Whispering footsteps
heart like a wild horse
one shadow, one thought.

I'll try to get that bad thought out of my file, lest my subconscious end up accepting it. She (because I've heard it is feminine as consciousness is masculine) doesn't discriminate between good and bad, only carries out orders. She is a very capable employee. I would say the best at bringing at the right time the things we keep in our folders and drawers.

Now all I can think about is the next excursion that is already planned to a place that promises beauty. And you know that where there is beauty there is also magic.


I took these pictures on my previous trip to Playa Larga. I'm not good at writing Haikus, but yesterday on the Días Ecencyales Discord show that was the exercise and the challenge. So, I decided to bring a bit of poetry to the #Monomad, and to write I used my own photos as inspiration.

It's nostalgia for everything I've read among my letters, photos, postcards and memories... desire perhaps to receive verses (((signed, please))) - because you know, I don't want to see the face of oblivion again.


The seagulls fly
in the masts of memory
and breeze is a sweet song.


You touched my soul
on a late evening
sea, calm and stormy.


I couldn't say a word
while it was hidden 
the sun in the cloud.


The eager traveller
left a hat under the tree
and saw a raven's shadow.


(I'm not good at Haiku) - I'm sorry


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


What do you mean you aren't good?
How do you mean you aren't good?

I don't know how to write haikus and I'm too bold to do it in English.
It is not compulsory but a haiku must have a metric of 5 - 7 - 5 syllables.


It should, but I think lately that rule is a bit more adjusted....

Do you think it is possible to understand them clearly? Do they look weird because of my bad English 😐?

Haiku isn't always understandable (to me at least rarely), as it's personal moment between poet, moment, etc... Your English is way better than mine.

In English, since kireis have no direct equivalent, Haiku poets use punctuation such as a dash or an ellipsis, or an implied pause to create a juxtaposition whose relationship was about the two parts.

(wiki says)

Thank you, @alt3r. Esta foto es de ahora mismo.


Regalo para ti.

White 😍😍😍😍 oooooooooo, me like it!

Many times I think what if we can switch off bad thoughts like a switch of fan or light in our room. This is crazy thought.

Well you took challenge by heart and haiku proved that you are also good in it & don't undermine yourself 🌼

I believe that turning off bad thoughts can be done. As you practice it every day it becomes easier and easier.

It's not a crazy idea at all. A lot has been written about it already.

Oh, Taha. Thank you my friend. Haiku is a great challenge.

Esta soy yo

I have been thinking for hours 🤔 and it is already the weekend, tomorrow I will try again 😂.

¿Pero qué tanto piensas? 😂☕

No sé, será que me gusta 😂 o que estoy un poco loco 🙃. No he comentado nada de la carta... Emocionante... 🤗


(yo llevo mucho tiempo viviendo debajo de una piedra, ya no me escriben cosas así)😔

Quizás en la próxima vida me escriban algo así, ahora estoy palpando al aire... comprobando si hay una piedra encima... 🤗

😁 qué ocurrente... ja!

Nostalgia, oblivion and memories, three words that often go hand in hand, others that clash and others that forget each other.

Beautiful verses and the photographs even more so.😍

Beautiful your verses and beautiful those words of which you still do not find their author. Search, search well, whoever seeks always finds.,

That trip to Playa Larga has left many, many....memories. 😊


Since I've had this unfortunate event, I wanted to answer the curiosity of some readers in yesterday's post 😁 (via a detail in the photo), before I forget.

Yo vi el detalle, pero si digo....hago trampa...porque yo sé 🤣🤣🤣

Entre haikus e imágenes que en mi mente evocan un pasado casi feliz, me has trasladado a un lugar en el que mi niña interior se siente protegida. No dejo de mirar las fotos...

...todos tenemos alguna carta sin firma...


Te noto poética también 😅 (bromeo)

Ay pero no logro recordar 😂


You are good at Haiku

You are good at writing

😉 And where have you been hiding? Here worried about you.

I'm making art :)

Finishing Aweh off at last. It must be done.

Here's one of the backgrounds... for the collection brewing in my kitchenette <3

Actuall no spoilers!

Sorry darling... I do go wandering for days, and weeks. When I find something new I want to investigate or get stuck into creativity. Or a good book!

I always come back though. I tell folks this but people don't really "get" things if they don't do those kinds of things and are still surprised. The story of my life! :D

Time feels different for me, btw. I think it's my memory. Years ago still feels like only yesterday. It's vivid and clear. For me.

Saw message on Tele. Will reply now <3

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 09.05.16.png

I understand everything. And you're doing great!

I tried haiku once myself, it made no sense whatsoever, lol

love the almost sepia shots, a softer set of images rather than stark mono, a nice change looks good

Thanks @grindle, that's exactly how I felt. Just a quick walk down memory lane.

you're welcome