Yokohama in Life VS Yokohama in Game

in Liketu3 years ago


I have been on here liketu for nearly 2 weeks, some people might already noticed that I always have a weird idea and act silly, I was thinking what weird to post when I was having breakfast in the morning.

And some weird stuff spring to mind, last night I was playing a Yakuza 7 on my Xbox Series X, where the scene is in the Yokohama, and I suddenly go "let's check the view in the game and in the life to see what's the different as I visited to Yokohama with my mom in 2014.

The first pictures was taken in Yokohama world porters, the building in sailboat shape is Intercontinental Hotel Yokohama, one of the most luxury building in Minato-Mirai district, and there is a observation wheel next to the hotel.

Okay, I am going to show you the Minato-Mirai in the game in picture 2, the street view in the game can still see the Intercontinental Hotel and the observation wheel, but the position on both hotel and observation wheel is different to the picture I taken with my mom. I have double check on internet and find that because I took the picture at different angle, so the position of the hotel and wheel in 2 pictures are correct.

I think the building in the game on the right should be World Porters in my picture 3 which is absolutely different. And I am trying to compare where's the building in the game of my picture 4, but I am failed to spot out, maybe I need to do more screen shot in the game at different position to find out.

What do you think of my post of today? Is it just too weird or you have interested to more different pictures of Yokohama between the game and real life? If you want, there's still pictures in my visit can be compared to the street view in the game. Just let me know what's your though, cheers.

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I'm beginning to see a theme here. The big Ferris wheel for one. Did you go on it?

The intercontinental hotel looks a little bit like the 7 Star Sail like hotel in Dubai. Perhaps one drew inspiration from the other. Not sure which one came first.

What exactly is World Porters? Like a sort of shopping centre or?

You take after you mum I think. She's a splitting image of you.

No I didn’t get on the wheel as it was holiday when I visit there, so many people queuing for the wheel so i rather save time to visit more place as I could.

As I remember the Inter hotel is open in 1991, probably the inter comes out first then.

The world porters is kind of shopping centre where has some sushi shops and supermarket inside, and the Cup noddle museum is nearby😝

Cup noodles? I hear those are full of preservatives and may be carcinogenic if consumed in greater than moderate quantities and frequencies.

Can’t tell it they have carcinogenic, but preservative for sure, I haven’t take cup noodle for many years, but I used to take very often when I was in college, hopefully I won’t get cancer by that 😨

Yeah I had plenty of Pot Noodles in College. And also plenty of something else too ;)

you also play yakuza ah bro ? wow thats so cool . The last i played is on ps4 ,now waiting for the new release . Photos sure are a good way to keep as memory . You must be glad to see again these pic bro

So it should be yakuza 7 as well, it also available on PS4, it seems to take them longer to release yakuza 8 as their production director left SEGA if working for there 20 years

ah man , thats sad to hear about it . Just like hideo kojima left konami that time bro

Wow!!! Beautiful i like here


I don't know the game you mentioned because I'm not a gamer. But I'm interested in the big circular swings. It reminds me of the big swing in Asiatique located along the Chao Phraya River, Bangkok Although I haven't been there in many years. 😁

Don’t worry about the game, it’s just interesting to see the contrast between the view in the game and life

No it was taken in Japan,
And no again, this is my mom 😂