You don't have to be right-handed / 右利きである必要はない

in Liketulast year



My second son is left-handed.

When he started daycare, his daycare teacher asked me, "Do you want to correct him to right-handed?", I replied, "No". She said that my second son might have trouble with sewing and calligraphy in the future. However, I thought it would be nonsense to inconvenience him in various other situations so that he would not have trouble with sewing and calligraphy. The principal was present at the personal interview, and I reminded her that I would not correct my son to right-handed. At that time, the principal agreed with me, saying, "There are scissors for left-handed people these days, so there should be no problem".

However, a few days ago. At dinner time, I noticed that my second son was holding the chopsticks in his right hand. When I asked him why he was holding them with his right hand, he replied, "Because the principal told me to eat with my right hand at school lunch. Well... I know the principal is a good person. But she is quite old, and these days she only comes to the school on rare occasions, so I think she has forgotten the details of each child's situation.

In the past, was it common to correct children to right-handed? Certainly, every tool and space in the world is designed to be convenient for right-handed people. I do not know because I am right-handed, but my second son may feel inconvenienced in many situations in the future. When I think about it, the thought crosses my mind that it might be better for him if I correct him to be right-handed at an early age.

But my second son is very dexterous. He can make mysterious figures beautifully symmetrical when playing with blocks. He can also use scissors very well. He is also very fast at calculating two identical numbers, such as "3+3" and "5+5." I don't think a 4-year-old can think of "doubling," so I think he is quickly counting the same numbers side by side in his head. I feel this is not unrelated to the fact that my second son is left-handed. If this is the case, correcting him to be right-handed would be crushing his ability, and more importantly, the idea of trying to fit in with the majority of people pisses me off

So the next day, I told his homeroom teacher again that I would not be correcting him!





が、数日前。晩御飯の時、次男が何だか食べにくそうにしているなと思ったら、右手でお箸を持っていたのです。どうして右手で持っているのと尋ねると、「給食の時、園長先生に右手で食べなさいって言われたから」と。うーむ… 園長先生が良い方なのは分かっています。ただかなりのご高齢で、最近では稀にしか園に来ないので、園児一人一人の細かい事情など忘れてしまったのだと思います。。




For the best experience view this post on Liketu



😂 うちは右利きなのですが、もし左利きでも私も多分矯正しないと思います。お友達の左利き一家のお子さんは左利きはそのままに作業療法に通っていると聞きました。

効き手ではないのですが、先生との面談で「子供さんすぐ泣きすぎ、静かすぎ、もっと強く」みたいなことを言われたことがあって、「みんなが(ドイツ式で)自己主張しまくったらやばいでしょ www」と内心思ったことを思い出しました。


まわりにはほどほどにはいはい言って子供の成長を応援しましょう :)




I would also be angry if the teachers tried to force my son to use his right hand. I don't care if that was the old way. It was wrong to do that in the past and it is wrong now.

I usually try to be polite and calm, especially because many Japanese people expect the loud gaijin to not be these things. But I wouldn't be able to be quiet with something like that.

You did the right thing.

Thank you. Indeed, there must have been many people who were forced to use their right hand in the past, even though they were originally left-handed, and were inconvenienced. We should cherish the characteristics and talents we were born with.

Come to think of it, I don't think "gaijin" is a good word, but Japanese people often use this word. I guess they (we) forget that when we go to a foreign country, we become "gaijin" too😅😅

I guess they (we) forget that when we go to a foreign country, we become "gaijin" too

haha that's true. But I don't mind and I in fact often use it for myself.

Anyway, you are right, it's not a good word. I don't know. I don't think a word can be bad, only how it is used. Gaikokujin can be used just as badly as gaijin. But that might be a dumb thing for me to say. Some foreigners are hurt by the word, so I also shouldn't use it.

The word "Gaikokujin" is often used in TV news, newspapers and other media, but I too had not given thought to the feelings of those who are hurt by it💦 Indeed, it is a word that lumps together various countries and races.

Thanks for letting me know.







