A day with my mom ♥️

in Liketu6 months ago


Hello friends, happy Tuesday to all!✨

Today my mommy wrote me early to go with her to buy some things for my brother. We were walking around and looking at stores for a while, and we found some nice boots which are the one we bought 😊.

After we bought everything, we went to eat chicken since we were hungry and then we went home. It was a great day together with my mommy even though we just went shopping 😊.

Hola amigos, feliz martes para todos!✨

Hoy mi mami me escribió temprano para que la acompañará a comprar unas cosas para mí hermano. Estuvimos un rato caminando y viendo tiendas, y encontramos unas botas bien bonitas que son la que compramos 😊

Luego de comprar todo, fuimos a comer pollo ya que teníamos hambre y ya luego nos fuimos a casa. Fue un día genial junto a mi mami a pesar de que solo fuimos de compras 😊

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