Photography of nature, the beach and a beautiful park

in GEMSlast year


Photography of nature, the beach and a beautiful park

Hello to all friends, I hope we all have sweet moments like the pose I have in the photo, I mean the good and happy feeling that we feel in our hearts.
Sometimes I think people's lives are poisoned by luxuries, and luxury cars and luxury houses are good when the inner feeling of a person is also good, but most of the time these luxuries cause some of the special feelings in the human heart to go away.
I always like to experience beautiful feelings in my life even in a simple life
This world does not need many things that are being made every day



This is an interesting park and we go there sometimes
And this year, we should visit there in these spring days because it is full of flowers and I also love watching flowers and flower exhibitions.






at the beach

We collect shells on the beach
The north coast of the country does not have a variety of shells, and every shell that can be seen on the coast can be seen in this photo
I collected a lot of oysters and used them to make Ouz. Some people say that you shouldn't collect oysters, but I do this sometimes.






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Oysters are hard to come by over here. They are usually located under the mangroves. The flowers are beautiful and the landscape is heartwarming. There is much beauty in simplicity :)