
Oh yes they do have them in your country , i am not going to tell you please buy one take a photo of them also and sent a photo to me if you don't mind , you will be surprised with the taste you can tell me all about it when you have eaten one 😊

Hehe okay no worries, I will buy them and take photos of the pretty pink bananas and then will check the taste, cheers, ainie

Hehe...thank you @ainie.kashif and don't forget to take photos before you eat them 😆 Enjoy the pink bananas 👍

Here you go, pink bananas that I bought from a local supermarket, I don't think so it's ripe yet because I tried to cut it and still raw inside so I need to wait for a few more days.

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It is funny to see pink bananas and the skin should turn more of a pink color as they ripper more and they do look fat and juicy 😊

Hi @kohsamui99, by the look of this, I can confirm this is in fact a banana hahaha, still raw so I must be patient for a few more days to go :D cheers, ainie
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That is so good of you to go out of your way to find these pink bananas and sure does look raw not ripe yet but sure does look good on the inside it's funny to see seeds in a banana when it is more ripe you will be able to tell me what you think of it's taste 👍

No problem, after our conversation last night, I also was thinking about it and hope that bananas will be there when I go to find them. So relieved when I reached that supermarket, I can see them and there were only 2 bunch left. I would imagine my frustration if it's not there. There is only one particular supermarket that sells this banana and it is located 12km from home. So when I got them, I was so relieved. I would not break my promise, because it's just my nature hahaha.

Seriously you traveled 12 km to go and get them pink bananas you are one remarkable girl and really dedicated to your promises , i am so happy that these pink bananas were there for you. Thank you for marking that effort to keep your promise 😊