My Thursday Favourites #ccc 2.50 Contest!What are you doing while you wait?/Que haces mientras esperas?

in GEMS4 years ago


La vida en nuestro pais(Venezuela) nos ha cambiado drasticamente, ya que para casi todo hay que hacer cola, hay que esperar, los venezolanos tenemos una eterna espera que ya lleva mas de 20 años; asi que se podran imaginar.

Life in our country (Venezuela) has drastically changed us, since for almost everything you have to queue, you have to wait, Venezuelans have an eternal wait that has been over 20 years; so you can imagine.

Asi que hay que buscar la manera de que esas largas esperas sean mas llevaderas.

So you have to find a way to make those long waits more bearable.

En lo personal depende de donde este y con quien para hacer determinada cosa. Por ejemplo cuando aun habia gasolina en este pais para los simples mortales, la espera iba desde 10 horas hasta dos dias; les confieso que lo maximo que he estado en esa espera han sido 12 horas; al final de las cuales no pude surtir de gasolina mi vehiculo; se imaginaran la clase de paciencia y tolerancia que hay que desarrollar.

Personally it depends on where you are and with whom to do a certain thing. For example, when there was still gasoline in this country for mere mortals, the wait ranged from 10 hours to two days; I confess that the maximum I have been in that wait has been 12 hours; at the end of which I could not fill my vehicle with gasoline; They will imagine the kind of patience and tolerance that must be developed.

Bueno el tema en cuestion es que hacer mientras esperas; pues yo llevaba el libro que en ese momento estuviera leyendo, el ultimo que lleve fue “A traves del tiempo” de Brian Weiss; tambien cuaderno y lapiz por si se me ocurria cualquier cosa tener donde anotar para luego recordarlo. Uno de las cosas mas entretenidas es el celular jajaaja porque puedes leer y contestar tus mensajes, revisar todo lo pendiente.

Well the issue in question is what to do while you wait; Well, I was carrying the book I was reading at the time, the last one I took was "Through time" by Brian Weiss; Also notebook and pencil in case I could think of anything to have where to write down and then remember it. One of the most entertaining things is the cell phone hahaha because you can read and reply to your messages, review everything pending.

Pero a pesar de llevar todas esas cosas y hasta merienda, siempre se aporovechaba la oportunidad para socializar con el resto de personas de la cola, era tanto asi que hasta creamos grupos para ponernos de acuerdo para la proxima cola. Los venezolanos somos geniales, creo que nuestra manera de ser y el humor son los que nos ha permitido soportar esta crisis tan dura.


But despite carrying all those things and even a snack, the opportunity to socialize with the rest of the queue was always used, it was so much so that we even created groups to agree on the next queue. Venezuelans are great, I think that our way of being and humor are what have allowed us to endure this tough crisis.

El punto comun de todas esas esperas, en la cola de la gasolina, esperando que el doctor te atienda, en la cola para pagar las compras; en la farmacia; es el entablar conversacion con los compañeros de cola, conocidos o no, es lo mas comun de la mayoria, es lo que yo mas hago.

The common point of all those waits, in the queue for gasoline, waiting for the doctor to attend you, in the queue to pay for purchases; in the pharmacy; It is to start a conversation with classmates, known or not, it is the most common of the majority, it is what I do the most.

Cuando salimos de casa a hacer una simple compra debemos ir mentalizados que nos tardaremos bastante, por lo menos aca en Bolivar es asi.

When we leave home to make a simple purchase we must be aware that it will take us a long time, at least here in Bolivar it is like that.


Esta es mi participacion para el concurso de la amiga @marblely quien nos invita esta semana a compartir que nos gusta hacer mientras esperamos, a traves de su concurso My Thursday Favourites #ccc 2.50. Animate a participar asi apoyamos esta iniciativa que nos mantiene activos y creando.

This is my participation in the contest of the friend @marblely who invites us this week to share what we like to do while we wait, through her My Thursday Favorites #ccc 2.50 contest. Encourage participation so we support this initiative that keeps us active and creating.

Aca te dejo el enlace

Here is the link

Gracias por leerme, te deseo mucho exito y prosperidad en todos los aspectos de tu vida.

Thanks for reading, I wish you much success and prosperity in all aspects of your life.

Para esta publicacion use el traductor de google

For this publication use the google translator

This is an Invitation to join #ccc. The community CCC supports members by encouraging and upvoting each other and by hosting contests. Contests are hosted by @team-ccc and it's members. See @team-ccc for a list of contests running.



Paper and pencil (or phone), something to drink and eat or watch is always good plus the time feels not wasted.

An upvote for you and a great day. 💕

Hello, thank you friend, it is true, we must know how to take advantage of the situations that life presents us, even the queues.
Greetings and happy day.

I wish you all the best. 💕

Thank you for joining this contest.
Greetings @team-ccc

upvoted & reblogged

Oh querido ... 12 horas a 2 días de espera es muy largo. No me puedo imaginar esperar tanto tiempo. Yo estaría fuera de mi juicio, creo. Es muy desafortunado que todos estén hechos para esperar tanto tiempo :( Espero que las cosas se vean mejor para ustedes en el futuro cercano. Esperen <3

Oh dear.. 12 hours to 2 days wait is so long. I can't imagine waiting that long. I would be out of my wits I think. It is so unfortunate that you are all made to wait for so long :( I hope things will look better for you guys in the near future. Hang in there <3

Si amiga, es agotador fisica, mental y emocionalmente. Dios quiera que esto se arregle.
Saludos. Que tengas un maravilloso dia.