[ENG-ESP] Initiative: My little girl dreams! // mis sueños cuando era una niñita! + CUTE PHOTOS! - by @heypuch

in GEMS3 years ago

Hello friends from hive, how are you today? Today I am here to participate in the initiative of my friend and new hiver @ruffo.pippen who created a very nice initiative in which he invites us to tell what were those dreams that we had as children that today we remember with great affection and even some We made it!

Hola amigos de hive, como estan hoy? Hoy estoy aquí para participar de la iniciativa de mi amigo y nuevo hiver @ruffo.pippen que creó una inicitativa muy linda en la cual nos invita a contar cuales eran esos sueños que teniamos de niños que hoy en dia recordamos con mucho cariño e incluso algunos hemos cumplido!


I leave his post here so you can read his story
Dejo su post aquí para que lean su historia

[ENG-ESP] what I dreamed of as a child // lo que soñaba de niño - by @ruffo.pippen

When I was little in my house we had a large patio with many fruit trees and animals such as dogs, rabbits and even chickens and roosters, I have very few memories of that, because with the passing of the children all that garden became concrete to use. like garage. My dream as a child was always to buy a house with a big garden! I really like green spaces with plants and trees. I like to sit on the grass and close my eyes just listening to the noise of the wind passing through the leaves, with the sun on my face.

Cuando era pequeña en mi casa teniamos un patio grande con muchos arboles frutales y animales tales como perros, conejos e incluso gallinas y gallos, tengo muy pocos recuerdos de eso, porque con el pasar de los aniños todo ese jardin se convirtio en concreto para utilizarlo como garage. Mi sueño de pequeña siempre fue comprar una casa con un gran jardin! Me gustan mucho los espacios verdes con plantas y arboles. Me gusta sentarme en el pasto y cerrar los ojos solo escuchando el ruido del viento cruzando entre las hojas, con el sol en la cara.


My family and my uncles live in my house with their children, that is, my cousins. More less we are all the same age, so we grew up playing all together in the same garden together. I remember that we had a lot of space to run and play "tag" which consists of one of us having to run and catch another so that this happens to be the one who has to catch. We also played the "poliladron" same concept, some were thieves and others were policemen and we had to catch each other. We also played "hide and seek" which consists of one telling and the others hiding until that person comes out to look for us. We also played the typical "role-playing" games and this is where another of my dreams as a child comes from.

En mi casa vivimos mi familia y mis tios con sus hijos, osea mis primos. Masomenos tenemos todos la misma edad, asi que nos criamos jugando todos juntos en el mismo jardin en comun. Recuerdo que teniamos mucho espacio para correr y jugar a "la mancha" que consiste en que uno de nosotros tiene que correr y atrapar a otro para que ese pase a ser el que tiene que atrapar. Tambien jugabamos al "poliladron" mismo concepto, unos eran ladrones y otros policias y habia que atraparnos entre nosotros. Ademas jugabamos a "las escondidas" que consiste en que uno cuenta y los otros nos escondemos hasta que ese sale a buscarnos. Ademas jugabamos a los tipicos juegos "de rol" y aquí es donde viene otro de mis sueños de pequeña.


As a child I dreamed of being a singer and a dancer. I loved doing "shows" for my cousins from the stairs, I was the protagonist and they encouraged me to continue. I also liked acting. My dream was to be a famous artist and have a lot of money to buy a giant house with a big yard! and in that yard I was going to have an animal shelter in which I was going to take care of myself, because I was also going to be a veterinarian!

De pequeña soñaba con ser cantante y bailarina. M e encantaba hacer "shows" para mis primos desde la escalera, yo era la protagonista y ellos me alentaban a seguir. Tambien me gustaba la actuacion. Mi sueño era ser una artista famosa y tener mucho dinero para comprar una casa gigante con un gran patio! y en ese patio iba a tener un refugio de animales en el cual yo me iba a ocupar, pues tambien iba a ser veterinaria!


Eventually I became very shy, I don't like being the center of attention at all! also I realized that I do not sing or "happy birthday" my voice is out of tune a lot! hahaha and well, I did go dancing when I was little but then I became very lazy and asked my mother to stop going. I also think that studying veterinary medicine is not a good idea because it would make me very sad when a pet dies. So the only dream that one day I hope to fulfill is that of my own house with a giant garden!

Eventualmente me volví muy timida, no me gusta ser el centro de atencion para nada! ademas me di cuenta que no se cantar ni el "feliz cumpleaños" mi voz desentona muchisimo! jajaj y bueno, si fui a bailar cuando era pequeña pero luego me volví muy floja y le pedí a mi madre dejar de ir. Tambien pienso que no es buena idea estudiar veterinaria porque me pondria muy triste cuando alguna mascota falleciera. Asi que el unico sueño que algun dia espero cumplir es el de la casa propia con un gigante jardin!

Thank you very much for reading my post!
a kiss and a hug, heypuch.

Muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch.