My three favorite Project Hope community posts. Week #10

in GEMS4 years ago

Photo by Una Laurencic from Pexels

Welcome back to my weekly post. Week #10. It's been 10 weeks! It's amazing how time flies. I hope you all feel well as I do, a little upset about the quarantine but it's a bitter pill to swallow and bear. Until we're sure enough, it's better to be safe. In the meantime let's trust in our ability to solve problems and if we don't know how; let's use Google.

Continuing with every week's initiative, I take the opportunity to mention 3 posts that caught my attention this week.

The first post I want to mention is the one from @ben-edom

@ben-edom showed us a post about the fact that not only the moon is the only satellite that spins around our planet. Do any of you know the concept of Quasi-satellite? It's the first time I've seen this kind of phenomenon. It's interesting to know that we really don't know many things that spin around us. It's worth keeping an eye on for space lovers like me.

Following the space topics that I am so passionate about; @eni-ola brings us another excellent post about the Mars project. It's amazing the similarities of both Mars and Earth. Still, scientists will have to figure out how to obtain the resources needed for the survival of the brave pioneers, among them the precious oxygen. If you like to know about other worlds, I recommend you read this post.

@reeta0119 reminds us that blockchain technology is not only interesting for men. It's also interesting for women. I have to admit that in the computer world the male percentage exceeds the female one. However, every day more women are joining the crypto sphere. I am sure that a feminine touch will give us a new focus and breadth for our Project Hope community.

Don't forget to leave a comment on any of the posts I’ve mentioned, if you like. Remember how nice it feels to be commented on, it's a way of showing that we are heard and appreciated or rejected, in one way or another it's nice to interact.

A big greeting to these three content creators, I thank them very much for sharing with us into the Project.Hope community

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