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RE: Bored at home series - A souvenier from Ireland

in GEMS4 years ago

I hate souvenirs, but some are cool and certainly not cheap things sold for much money. Your Irishman looks not cheap and I like his smile, especially the saying suits the Irish very well I think.

How can an Austrian know that? Well, my first girlfriend has been Irish - she has been working as an au pair in Austria, and man she we drank a lot of Tullamore Dew and Bushmills Malt to name a few ... we drank as if every day was our last day 😉

Even if you're not drinking anymore, the Irishman and the luck coin near you brings you luck, and if not, then at least his smile will make you smile 😊

!Cheers and !BEER


I picked up a few here and there often when bored at an airport waiting for a flight lOL

Ohh yeah the Irish doe like a !BEER for sure, and i am a good part Irish LOL

and for sure it does make me smile

Yeah, we also buy always a souvenir when we are somewhere on holidays or for a visit or so, but most of these dust catchers find a place somewhere in a box in the cellar ;)

Have a nice evening and a good night JJ 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

A lot of ours are in a box in the attic lOL
and you have a good day tomorrow or today when you read this

Cheers and !BEER

Right, and it's already almost afternoon here ;)

Good morning JJ,
we have sunshine and rainclouds outside, so I don't know if I'm gonna get wet in the afternoon when I ride home, and a lot of work in the office ... a nice day, thank you ;)

Hope you have a very nice day too 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

Well I hope your day goes well and you can or have got home dry :)
Cheers and !BEER

Well, I stayed almost dry - just when I left the office it started to rain, but not enough to get really wet 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

thats good have a good evening my friend

Cheers and !BEER

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