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Ahhhh....your been to busy hiking them mountains and valleys and forgotten all about my "Foam Crown" kidding we will maybe one day get to enjoy that "Foam Crown" together πŸ˜†

It will be interesting i think @ainie.kashif will beat me to it as she has these pink bananas already in the Malaysia markets but i can call a friend of my in Thailand who might be able to pop down to the local markets and see if he can get a photo for me we will see πŸ‘

Oh yes, I am so very sorry that I forgot about this special crown πŸ˜₯ Please, take a !BEER from me as an excuse 🍻

Seems we have a little challenge for pink bananas going on - now I am curious who of you will win, but as you say, @ainie.kashif has some advantages πŸ˜‰


Hi @johannpiber, yes, I found them in the supermarket today, the name of this banana is Red Prawn Banana. It is still raw, so I guess it will get more pinky as it gets ripen. I bought it for RM6.74 and here's the photo. Thanks to @kohsamui99 that introduced me to this fruit, I have never eaten this banana before and maybe I can make a banana cake out of this heheh :D

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These are definitely looking a bit pink and as you I am sure the color will turn more pinkish when they are ripe - I am looking forward to see them, but I think you have deserved a !BEER for being the first πŸ˜‰


Ainie certainly didn't waste anytime she was quick of the mark and even traveled 12 km to go and get these pink bananas what a remarkable girl well done @ainie.kashif

And my contact from Thailand told me there is a farm he knows where he saw some pink bananas growing he is going to take a look for me tomorrow and get a photo for me let's see what he comes back with will give you updated tomorrow @johannpiber and @ainie.kashif 😊

This gets more exciting, Operation Pink Banana rolled out and on the move. Do report your finding @kohsamui99, can't wait to know the search results. :D

Lol .... I like the code name well "Operation Pink Banana" is here to report on his finding due to a good contact friend in Thailand he managed to find that Pink Banana trees growing in amongst the good nature of the jungle and did take a photo for me to show both you @ainie.kashif and @johannpiber mission completed successfully πŸ˜†


Here is a cropped version for a more close up...


And here is a photo that my brother had from when he visited a banana farm in Thailand where they were selling many types of bananas and they had a huge bunch of Pink Bananas that he had never before seen was the first time of him seeing Pink Bananas also.


I do think now we all believe in Pink Bananas case closed been a pleasure working with you both. πŸ˜†

That's cool - Operation Pink Banana sounds great :)
I wish both of you a great start into the new week while I will still be asleep ☺️

Cheers and !BEER

Operation Pink Banana has been a success mission completed @johannpiber and @ainie.kashif πŸ˜‰

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

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Thank you, I hope I remember to take a photo when it ripens and I will also show you if I did make a banana cake out of this :D. Thanks for the beer, cheers, ainie

You're welcome, would be funny if the cake would get pink too 🀣

Cheers and !BEER

hahaha I don't think so because I can confirm that this banana only has pink skin but it is yellowish inside. I actually cut it to check, thanks for another round of beer, cheers, ainie

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WOW ... the banana cake should be interesting don't forget to take the little seeds πŸ˜†

Hahaha okay Chef, I will remember to take those seeds out, cheers, ainie

Hey @ainie.kashif, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @kohsamui99, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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