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RE: Intimate Icy Landscape

in GEMS3 years ago

Good day Zac,

that's a phenomenon I have encountered long ago when I moved from a small one room apartment to a bigger one - soon the additional space became too small too ... that happened the next times too, so that after a short time all the new extry space was full with things I didn't need anymore, but didn't throw away because I had enough space ... 😂

... yes, that makes a lot sense, I know exactly what you mean 🤣

Cheers and !BEER


Good morning Hannes,

When I look at the animals and compare them to people's lifestyles there's very little comparison.
They simply use their "houses" to sleep in and the world outside is their larder. They never store anything in their "houses" and after they have raised their kids, they kick them out.
As humans, we have perfected the art of storing our memories and some people hoard so much that they battle to find space to sleep.

Then they die and everything gets chucked out by the new owners and they start storing their own stuff and so life goes.

Cheers and thanks!

Good morning Zac,

you're very right and I belong to these hoarders too - if I had a large storage hall I would easily fill it up with necessary things 🤣

... after they have raised their kids, they kick them out - I like that somehow, but I have to admit that I would even love to have my kids living with us forever 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning Hannes,

Hahaha, yes, Papillon owned a church property up north with a big hall. I put a mezzanine steel framed floor in the hall and we did the computer training on the new top floor.
The bottom floor was always packed full with donated stuff that we distributed to the poor people in the townships. No space, even for a mouse 🤣

Oh yeah, we discussed the children issue before methinks 😉

Hope that your day is good my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

Good morning Zac,

we can never have enough free space 😉

My day is busy as each day at the moment, but it's okay. I hope you are also having a great day my friend 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning Hannes,

Yes thank you the day went well and my eldest daughter's blood tests are all good exept one, so the doctor has put her on cortizone to fix it.
Their family had to go for Covid testing prior to their UK emigration flight and they discovered that she had Covid.
Hopefully she will be cleared soon.

Cheers and thanks!

Good afternoon Zac,
these are not so good news, but I believe that if she didn't notice she had the virus, she won't have any problems with it, but I send my best wishes.

Cheers and !BEER

Good morning Hannes,

Sorry man, I didn't want to give you disturbing news, as we all have our different problems.
But I just had to tell somebody and you fell into my minds telescope.
I value your support and friendship.

I spoke to her this morning and she now has 4 days of isolation left.
She feels well and will go for a final blood test tomorrow.
So, I think and I hope that all will be cleared for my Jacquiline.

Blessings also to you guys!

Cheers and thanks!

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