Make your money work for you / Haz que tu dinero trabaje para tí [EN] [ES]

in GEMS4 years ago


Almost all of us learned from childhood to work for money. Since we entered school, we learned for many years how to solve problems that a company has, so that we can get a good job and stay in it for a long time.

Casi todos aprendimos desde pequeños a trabajar para conseguir dinero. Desde que entramos al colegio, aprendemos durante muchos años, como resolver problemas que tiene una empresa, para que podamos conseguir un buen trabajo y permanezcamos en él por mucho tiempo.

But the problem is that in this teaching we are never taught how to make money work for us. I mean, you already got a good job and you earn a considerable amount to do everything you want and need, but we don't know 'how to invest some of that money so we don't have to work for the money for the rest of our lives.

Pero el problema es que en esta enseñanza nunca nos enseñan cómo hacer que el dinero trabaje para nosotros. Osea, ya conseguiste un buen trabajo y ganas una cantidad considerable para hacer todo lo que quieres y necesitas, pero no sabemos ´cómo invertir parte de ese dinero para que no tengamos que trabajar para el dinero por el resto de nuestras vidas.

I want to first clarify that this is not financial advice, it is my life experience along with what I have learned from other people in the field.

In Latin America especially, this problem is looked at a lot, besides, in most of these countries the system does not have a sustainable retirement plan, or even exists, this leaves one dependent on their children in most cases.

Quiero primero aclarar que esto no es una asesoría financiera, es mi experiencia de vida junto con lo que he aprendido de otra gente en el tema.

En latinoamérica sobretodo, se mira mucho este problema, además, en la mayoría de estos países el sistema no tiene un plan de jubilación sostenible, o ni siquiera existe, esto deja a que uno dependa de sus hijos en la mayoría de los casos.

Let's be honest, nobody likes to reach their old age wondering what they are going to live on. We need to learn to put our money to work for us. It's like planting money and having that money grow and produce more than it's worth, just like a seed grows on a tree and reproduces and leaves more seeds.

Seamos honestos, a nadie le gusta llegar a su vejez preguntándose de qué va vivir. Necesitamos aprender a poner nuestro dinero a trabajar para nosotros. Es como sembrar dinero y que ese dinero crezca y produzca más de lo que vale, al igual que una semilla crece en un árbol y se reproduce y deja más semillas.

Putting your money to work for you is easier than you think, it is about investing a part of your money in passive income. It's about using that money to give you more money, instead of spending it on compulsive purchases.

Poner tu dinero a trabajar para ti, es más sencillo de lo que crees, se trata de invertir una parte de tu dinero en ingresos pasivos. Es utilizar ese dinero para que te dé más dinero, en vez de gastarlo en compras compulsivas.

Of course, not all the money you earn can be invested, you need money to pay for your essential expenses such as housing, food, health and education, apart from others that are co-dependent on getting the essentials fulfilled, such as transportation or other things depending on what you do. But always, no matter how much you earn, there is going to be a part left over that you waste or could use to invest.

Claro está que no todo el dinero que ganas lo puedes invertir, necesitas dinero para pagar tus gastos esenciales como la vivienda, comida, salud y educación, aparte otros que son codependientes para lograr que los esenciales sean cumplidos, como el transporte u otra cosas según lo que hagas. Pero siempre, no importa cuanto ganes, va quedar una parte que la malgastas o podría ser utilizada para invertir.

It's not about saving money in the bank, unless you have a plan later to make that money grow, because money in the bank with annual inflation, is devaluing, you have to invest it. Always leaving the minimum safety cushion that is to survive at least 6 months without any income, in case something unexpected happens. It's about using the money you made with your time and effort to be able to generate money without always having to give your time and/or effort.

No se trata de ahorrar dinero en el banco, a menos que tengas un plan luego para hacer crecer ese dinero, porque el dinero en el banco con la inflación anual, se va devaluando, tienes que invertirlo. Siempre dejando el colchón de seguridad mínimo que es para sobrevivir al menos 6 meses sin ningún ingreso, en caso de que pase algún imprevisto. Se trata de utilizar el dinero que hiciste con tu tiempo y esfuerzo para poder generar dinero sin tener que dar siempre tu tiempo y/o esfuerzo.

In short, generating passive income will give you both financial and mental freedom. Don't wait until you are 60 to find out how you are going to survive the rest of your old age, don't depend on your children, take action now, and start creating passive income, the sooner the better, but it is never too late to start. See you tomorrow!

En fin, generar ingresos pasivos te va dar libertad tanto financiera como mental. No esperes llegar a los 60 años para averiguar cómo vas a sobrevivir el resto de tu vejez, no dependas de tus hijos, toma acción ahora, y empieza a crear ingresos pasivos, cuanto antes mejor, pero nunca es tarde para empezar. ¡Hasta mañana!


At least you could tell the people a few examples or what you are doing for passive income or which one worked well for you. What you posted was just an explanation/comparison between working for money and make money work for you. 2 minutes googling would give me the same answer even with examples.
Sorry that this sounds a bit mean but if your intention is to help people, then at least try to help them.

Cheers! ✌

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Thanks for your feedback, I will take your comment into consideration, but in case you haven't read my other posts, I have spoke about passive income before. That said I invite you to read them.

I agree with you, if you use google you will always find what you are looking for in many different ways. The difference is that many of my post have my story on how I have live and experienced what I´m writing.

Thanks for your feed back and have a great day!

Sorry mate, didn't know that. So forget everything I said 🤐.
Next time maybe just use some links to your related posts.

Have a great day as well.✌

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No worries bro, thanks again for your feedback. I will try to interlink them, it´s a bit of a challenge because I do write every single day, but I will try to improve the reader experience :).

when people save inflation wins.. some of its power is lost if you do not use it... saving with a plan...

That´s right, this is why I suggest to only have a enough savings for 6 month living (on average) in case of any unforeseen event, the rest of that money will need to work for you, and for that you have to invest it.