Let Freedom Ring

in GEMS2 months ago

Hey y'all

Happy 4th of July


Today being the 4th of July is a fun holiday for us here in the USA. I am the first to admit that our country has had our problems. In fact things are not perfect even yet. However I believe we have come a hell of a long ways in our not too long of a history. I believe we get more right than we get wrong, and I am very proud to be an American.


I am back to trying to build up my Tik Tok. Back several years ago, when I would post aTik Tok video it would get 400 to 500 views. Now I am lucky if I get anything over zero LOL! I guess that's my bad for taking off a few years. So if you are on Tik Tok, would you do an old guy a favor and follow me?

My TikTok

RIP Toby Keith. It's been awhile since we've lost him to stomach cancer. Thankfully we can still enjoy his music. Here is a link for a Tiktok I did using a clip of Courtesy of the Red White and Blue. What better song could you use for the 4th of July?
Got to say it makes me wonder about all the money that we have spent developing Hive / Peakd and we still can't drop a Tik Tok link and get it to post a video SMH.

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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Lol I already follow you on tick Tok! You're a funny guy. :)

You are too kind!

Ok, I will follow you! You look like a nice guy and I like people who know they are not popular. hahaha. Greetings and happy 4th of July

Lol exactly! I never was one of the cool kids 😊

Happy July 4th.

We WERE getting more right than wrong, but not in a few years now, in my opinion.

Tik Tok huh? I have never done Tik Tok, although I have seen a few that someone posted somewhere before.

Oh Tik Tok is very addicting, but I love it!