These Days You Never Know What You Are Going To See

in GEMSlast year

Happy Monochrome Monday!


Most days, I never know if I am going to post or not. Usually it depends on what I have to shoot. Well it is not every day that I look out my window and see a couple of horses being ridden down the road. In fact it has not happened once before in the previous fifteen years since I built this house, but it happened today lol.


Now it is much more common to look out my bedroom window and see a swan or two feeding on the seaweed right in front of our place. Not sure why, but we seem to grow a special seaweed that they cant seem to find anywhere else because they generally camp out for a meal most days here!


This is yet another thing I just noticed today. This is one of those clay plant waterers. One pours water into the hole and as the plant needs water it is drawn from the piece. What I never have seen before is the crystals that formed at along the head. Almost looks like frost, but it must be crystals from the water and/or the soil.

Speaking of frosty, the waves here make for a frosty scene!


Got to slip in a little holiday fun. These BFFs were on sale up at Bronner's Christmas store in Frankenmuth Michigan.

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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.