
Hmmmm! I think they just did an update that solved that problem... 🙂

I could be wrong... But anyways! If your interested the LIVE's are still cool! 😊

I watched some of the workouts. They're cool though maybe we can have a little bit more challenging like an intense workout for 7 minutes would burn much calories or maybe they're on a different workout videos.

Am not a pro with working out but 30 mins of light workout, I need more instense to burn my 1 cup of peanut butter and a whole thin pizza, ya know how I love to eat! 😁

hahahaha! Your tooo funny @purepinay! Yeah! I realize these workouts might not meet everyone where they are at. But the main idea is to try our best to meet people where they are at. Stuck at home with no fitness options available to them. And we wanted to bring people together to. With the pandemic I think that's more important than ever!

Having been a personal trainer for over 10 years I was used to training people (professional athletes, models, music stars, moms, dads, students, etc.) anywhere from 1 to 3 hours in the gym 3 - 6 days a week over the course of 12 weeks. (It was called the Beach Ready 12 Week Fitness Challenge. If your curious about that here a link to the website: What I found was that only about 1% of people were ready for a transformation like that!

So that got me thinking... How could I build people up to a 12 Week Challenge? By doing a #miniCHALLENGE! 5, 10, 15 min. at a time until they were ready to do more!

Anyways... It's always possible to use the LIVE as a social springboard or even a warm up to your regular workout... Will you at least consider it @purepinay? To be honest... I can even see you teaching a fitness LIVE at some point. I know you got skilz and (other than just being Hive friends! 😊) I thought that it would be worth a try talking to you about this.

Let me know what your thinking k! 😉

Ohh yeah, you have a point. Not everyone has access to the gym and any workout skills.

I like what you do. It's good to motivate people to start taking care of their body physically especially during this pandemic where most people are stuck at home, oh I remember those days were so hard and really depressing!

Me as a trainer? Oh no, you're good at what you do. Am only good behind those camera lol

I have more confident in writing than taking on camera! Haha

Let me just eat whole pizza live, am better with that, just no talking! Lol

bhhhhaahahaha! Oh gwad! Your tooo funny @purepinay! I could just see that! There actually are videos of people doing nothing but eat on YouTube! For some reason they are mesmerizing and revolting at the same time! hahaha! But honestly though... I would sign up to watch you eat a pizza any day of the week! (Just so long as I knew you were going to bust some moves in the gym afterwards! hahaha!)

Anyways! I'm glad that you get the idea of what I'm/We are trying to do. So many people are really feeling the full effects of this pandemic. Wellness as a whole is at an all time low world wide as we speak. People have been run down on all the aspects of health, Spirit, Mind, Body, and Special Focus so anything that we can spread a message of positivity and health is better than no try at all.

Thank you for taking the time to chat with me @purepinay! I'm a fan of all you do on the Hive Blockchain and will continue to fully support you in whatever way that I can!

Keep on enjoying those yumyums! All my Pilipino Friends here in Canada are just like you! They LOVE their food! and so do I! hahaha! 😆

I know right! How I wish I am not so lazy setting a mini studio and putting all those videos out there, I'd be eating all day and working out all night, ahahaha!

It's my pleasure, I actually miss the real engagement, the real essence of having a community.

And guess what While we were having this talk, I started using again actifit just this morning, lol!

Oh that's nice to know you have some Pilipino friends there, please send my regards to them. =)

Downloading the app now

For realz!? That would be so great! Thank you for being so good with me... I know that I'm such a "convincing" fellow! hahaha! 😅

Aha! Hahaha

I forgot how easy it is to sync my Fitbit with the actifit app!

Yeah! So did the upgrade to the @Actifit dApp solve the photo upload problem for your android?

I just saw a couple of your @Actifit reports and your new @Actifit account. I added and will check often. I love the effort and thoughtfulness that you put into your posts so it’s easy and fun to check in with you Gil. 🙌

So yeah! About your question. You can do a post with any number of steps... but it’s only after 5,000 steps that your report will garnish an upvote from the @Actifit account. Full AFIT rewards top out at 10,000 steps. I know... @Actifit has a pretty complicated set up. Personally I think simple with some unlocked features and utilities would make sense... but yeah! We are innovating a way to reward active lifestyles so lots more development coming with this idea.

I’m just glad you’ve decided to keep up with the project! That’s good because Gil you have fitness as a way of life already! Why not make history right? (At least that’s one of the reasons I major on @Actifit here on Hive!)

I hope that your doing well... I’ll talk to you again real soon! 🙌

P.S. Are you sure you wouldn’t want to do some #YogaLIVE? I bet 100% you would be so great at it! 😉 See... there I go again with the convincing! Hehehe! 😜