Daily Steem Idol Featured Posts | 06.05.2020

in GEMS4 years ago

Greetings Everyone!

Among all of the blockchain projects, a decentralized social media application that is powered by blockchain technology is considerably the most amazing thing that is happening right now. This network has the most buzzing & enthusiastic community.

With this technology, we are able to discover talented bloggers, singers, writers, developers, artists, cooks, photographers, vloggers and many more. And with that, we also have the privilege to reward these talents through a single button; the “upvote button”. The reward will come as a recognition and more importantly a token reward which can be converted to real money at exchanges worldwide.

And so the motivation for @steem.idols has materialized to assist on the distribution of Steem tokens through content discovery schemes. The intention is to scout for “New” undervalued quality contents across the blockchain to be upvoted & featured in our blog.

The @steem.idols blog intends to compile all top curated posts for the convenience of other users in search of exciting posts.

Featured post #01


POST LINK: https://peakd.com/hive-148441/@wesp05/make-a-homemade-strawberry-frappe-prepara-un-frappe-de-fresas-casero


Featured post #02


POST LINK: https://peakd.com/hive-148441/@josehany/easy-lemon-pie


Featured post #03


POST LINK: https://peakd.com/hive-148441/@eminidi/easy-hive-la-nouvelle-extension-chrome-qui-facilite-l-utilisation-de-hive


Featured post #04


POST LINK: https://peakd.com/hive-148441/@alexa.art/pizza-al-sarten-pizza-in-the-frying-pan


Featured post #05


POST LINK: https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@barrylangdon/xbqgodgc


That’s all I have for now folks!

If you wish to support our curation effort, simply follow our “curation trail” using the SteemAuto free service!

See you in the coming days for more updates about the curation project.

Yours Truly,
Steem Idol Curator


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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Revolution! Revolution!
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