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RE: The upsides of being an asparagus....Covid... and addressing 'stupid' for what it really is... Fear.

I mean, the troll was funny.

You were here when the 'bad whale' was zeroing folks out, you know flaggots come with hair triggers some times.
It's hard to separate out who is serious and who is making jokes.

Still, it was funny.
Needed a meme, or gif, to go with it to be really funny, but otherwise totally adequate.

Maybe Az will see the humor in your comment.

I'd like to help lucy, but what do you do when somebody persists in grabbing the third rail?
He did make some epic videos.


I was one of the ones reminding lucylin that if we try to tell AZ what to do with his stake, then it defeats the purpose of staking in general.

But if a quip, zinger, or one-liner is enough to earn the downvote of all curating posts, that defeats the value of curating in general, it defeats the purpose of even interacting with people as 90% of what I say is to get a laugh and I carry that sense of satire everywhere I go.

Clearly I'll be wasting my time here if that is so offensive I would be demonitized.

steemcleaners jumped in on the downvote too !

They were rude to me so I said I'm calling the SEC on them and I'll squeal like a little bitch if they don't change their smug attitude lol


I remembered Karen's critical weakness is the authorities, lol AZ left the chat within 2 minutes of the word SEC lol

It does seem anti-free speech, I'd give it some time, and avoid the third rail.
There is no overpowering somebody with more stake than you, so you have to look for solutions that don't require hive power.

Not like I can't power up with 3 clicks

It's true, and the flagwars do draw in the eyeballs.

I plan on seeing if i can get the SEC involved since everyone appears to be curtailing to a vested interest in not upsetting the 10 year old maturity of @azircon.

It's rarely a good idea to get thugs involved in your business.

So what is azircon if not a thug?

I can turn him into the next Trevon James.