
You are the number one sponsor of the POB Scholarship. In history you will be known as the man who made it happen.

Thank you.

Why does Richard Simmons come to mind?


Thank you @caluman, Im just about ready to get started, my collection is ready, Im just not sure how to make minted NFTs available in the Pob NFT marketplace, I can"t seem to find how to put a minted NFT up for sale Lol.
I have minted a test, but I cannot find how to put it on the market !LOLZ

Why is a timer like a scale?
They both measure wait.

@calumam, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @jaxsonmurph
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)

Sorted, I sussed it, just some final tokenomics to finish and we are heading for the launch pad this weekend, appreciate your support for the @pobscholarship, you always get behind initiatives that drive growth, @caluman, I will be looking at supporting the scholarship going forward with a beneficary, plus I am looking at other options to add to that also, once again, THANK YOU

I saw some of your NFTs and thought Snoop dog was so funny. I'm so glad he joined POB. Great work^^

Thanks Pal, yeah Snoop Doge loves Pob, he's a blockchain puppy he he