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RE: Gotta be this highlight for Hive in 2021 for me!

The biggest of things started from something so little. It's surprising but a very tiny seed gives birth to the biggest of trees. So its no surprise that this project grew and it still continues to grow.

Like the story of the stone soup, a lot of people have contributed to grow this project and I'm very glad you even thought that the soup could be possible in the first place.

About that meetup, maybe it just wasn't the complete set of people try, hehehe, one was missing o.

Hey @dreemsteem, God bless you for always reaching out to help others with your soup, yours would be replenished a thousand times more


Thank you so much!!!! I do have that faith of the mustard seed - and though it is small, God says its all we need :)

exactly- that meetup was missing someone hehehee the next one will have that person - i'm sure! hahahahaha

God bless you also - and have yourself a Merry Christmas!!! :)

Exactly, that's exactly what we need, no matter how small it may seem. Hey, I should be the one saying thank you!!!!!!

exactly- that meetup was missing someone hehehee the next one will have that person - i'm sure! hahahahaha

I have no doubt , hahahahah, I hope this next one doesn't have any setbacks.

Thanks for the well wishes dear, God bless you plenty !!!!

Let us have faith that even the setbacks will make us stronger and better and more refined :)