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RE: Doubt Weakens.

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

hehehhee that's right...and one more good one to start our day...(or starting my day but continuing yours)

resist the devil and he will flee.

don't you just love the nuggets like that!?!!

the little secrets in the Bible like that....they give us ways to fight back with certainty???

if someone asks us..."how do we get satan to just leave us alone?!?!" sometimes we give all kinds of advice to do everything BUT what the Bible says.

clear as day it's right do we get him to flee? resist him!

boom! hehehehe

what are we doing now. Bible study comment encouragement?? hahahahhaa. I love it! lolol

kiss that baby girl of yours and tell her Dreemie loves her


Hahahaha I'm loving the Bible Study engagement and it would be here for everyone to see. The problem with most people is that they don't want to study the Word of God and yet they would complain about going through so much. Everything is in the Word, we just need to place a demand on it and ask. Address the situation the Bible way.

I pray about everything even the seemingly little things. Someone wanted to visit me today and I was feeling a bit about it. I didn't want the person to feel bad but I prayed for something to come up so the person wouldn't come. In the end I was the one "consoling" the person for not making it 🙈🙈🙈. Pray works, the Bible is complete... Ask and it shall be given unto you.

Thank you, mama. I would absolutely tell her. One day, hopefully she would see your charming face and hear your sweet voice. I love you, mama.


there is NO small thing to pray over....can I get an Amen? hahahaha

I ask my Lord for EVERYTHING

every detail!!!

and I make my requests SO specific hahahaha because why wouldn't I???

I am baffled when a believer comes in need...and I say to them..."did you ask the Lord for it?" and they say " 🤔no..."

what?!?!?! hahahah

that is the FIRST place to start!!!

I am of the SAME mind as you!!! so glad that we know the power of prayer!!! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍


Absolutely. Most people would rather tell everyone without telling God first. There were times I would expect God to do it the way He did it the last time but God is not man. He would always do it differently.

There was a time I was in great need and God dropped my brother in my heart to ask because I hardly ask people for anything. I would just pray and trust God to lead me and God always come through. My brother gave me that time. A few months down the line I asked my brother without praying thinking it would happen the say way and he apologized for not having it too. I went back to God and I apologized for cutting Him off 🙈🙈🙈🙈. The next day, my brother called me himself to give that thing to me. I was like, God!!! You always want to be involved and ever since, I ask Him for everything. If He won't give me, I don't want it. I only want what He can give and that is fine by me.