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RE: Announcement of My Intent to File a Future Proposal Regarding ‘Rules for Downvoting’ in the Proof-of-Brain Tribe

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Last comment for now:

A proposal:

1st time when a user presses the DV button, a window opens:

"Use this feature only for plagiarism and porn related contents, not for any forms of disagreement. We have built in a timer to give you enough space to think through your decision. Therefore, this process will take some of your time. Thank you for your understanding."

The user presses the downvote button again. The inbuilt timer ticks down before the user can proceed (let's say 15 seconds/ up for debate:):

Again a window opens:

"Are you absolutely sure that this is plagiarism or NSWF? If not, check again".

The user presses the button for the third time, another 15 seconds tick down:

"Are you sure you are not using this function because of a difference of opinion? If not, check your motives"

Fourth time - 20 seconds tick down:

"Once you have pressed the DV button, it will now become active. We thank you for considering your decision. In so far as you have not made a consideration and your decision is based on a difference of opinion, you are misusing this function."

I think the solution lays in using the tech for slowing down an emotional response. It's of course, up for debate. But I find it not only funny but also useful. What do you think?

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

I am happy to have provided a laugh. I laughed myself when I wrote it. I imagined someone wanting to do an emotional downvote and hating the time delay. Cooling down might help. If not, a determined downvoter would probably get away with waiting a minute to cast their vote, for better or worse.