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in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Hmm yes people do that sometimes. I wonder if it's for lack of having anyone else to pour it out to. I tend to listen and encourage them to talk. If they're talking about themselves then I don't have to talk about me. Although, I guess there's times I do the opposite; situational I guess.


I think people don't feel seen and heard, so any opportunity.

This is funny. I've had this thought so many times. It is situational too. There's an ebb and flow.

If they're talking about themselves then I don't have to talk about me.

I'm ok to talk about me, but I choose who hears it. I've always found value in listening though, one learns more.

I agree, move value in listening and learning that way. Selecting who hears it, I get you there.

Sometimes I shout things from the rooftops, but not so often these days. No one cares anyway. 😉

Yes, not so often these days. I've had that thought too, "no one cares anyway". I don't remember when I started to think like that, maybe ten years ago.

Best to simply stay in one's own lane. Those that care, or may care, will be drawn in. No need to advertise too much.

Yes, you're right in that regard. I find those who are interested come forward, so that's what I watch for. If not, I keep on flowing in the river.