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RE: Front darkness to light, solitude and mental health [Eng | Spa]

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

It took me 10+ hours to write it, i just... could'nt end it, it took forever to be able to comunicate how i felt and what it was like.

I will await for the post, do remember to paste the link here pls :) if able <3

I send you a big hug of support, i know you havent got it easier, noone does.


That is exactly how it goes with me at times, just how you described it. It's so worth it.

That post will be a while in coming. There are others I need to do first to build up to it, lolol. I will let you know for that one when it does go up.

Thank you for your big hug of support. You're right no one does have it easy. That is always in my mind. I feel very lucky, frankly, and have nothing to complain about.

God bless you :3 Have a good day, im gonna do two post today, my creativity is overflowing :D

Thank you, you also! Two posts, wow, your creative river is flowing, move with it, that's a beautiful place to be. 😊

Lol im posting them all today, about 3 maybe 4, im doing the translations bit by bit today :) I want them to be spotless.

Wow, that's a lot of work. Spotless, yes, I hear you there. I'll check them out. 😊

Lol Ended up movingit for today, gotta push them out :D my bad for having no surplus of time :S

Time is a premium commodity, always. LOL.