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RE: The upsides of being an asparagus....Covid... and addressing 'stupid' for what it really is... Fear.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Those that don't use your example as inspiration to grow - will hate you for your courage.
It eats into their subconscious, never sleeping - because , deep down, they know that they're running away.
It's what cowards do.
They know that they're 'being less' than their own potential.
They know that they don't possess what the courageous have.
They envy.
And their envy of you will eat away at them until it's either addressed or they implode into a vortex of narcissistic self pity.

Holy Moly bro! You actually know your shit and you evidently also know how to express it crystal clear. Very well said and splendidly well described. Not only with the features highlighted in the quote I have selected above, but throughout the entirety of your post.

Perhaps you should be thinking about charging fees for your services as a psychologist, psychiatrist and professional therapist instead of giving them for free to your enemies and adversaries. So at least you could make up for everything these coward lunatics steal from you every time they downvote you.


My blog now has over half a dozen paid subscribers ! ....wooohooo!

Never to be published on hive.
The block chains loss (imo).

Value that could have been added here, is now being directed elsewhere because of know what...

Are you considering include and incorporate also your 3Speak channel on your new blog to reach at least a "full dozen" of subscribers sooner? Or will you wait for a new, more select, elitist, rebellious and dark video platform to emerge outside Hive to achieve that ambitious goal? };)

I use rumble now, for things I don't want on hive.
I can get paid in crypto there, as well as a via a money processor that I have an account with.
(not very $ much as of yet, but there ain't no down voting. Real free markets are goooood).

It takes time.

Excellent! I see you already have everything well rounded and planned. A "full dozen" of paid subscribers must be around the corner. I just hope that once you reach the top of the real free markets do not begin to see us from above as if you were a new God of Olympus. Hahahaha

If I was a God sat on Olympus, I can assure you that hive would be getting seriously 'rearranged'....

Would you need to use a Thor Hammer to rearrange shit around?

Or do you reckon that with a smaller, funnier and more Average Joe one would suffice?

Are mixing up mythologies, like metaphors, now ?...bloody hell...this is taxing..