
a lot
lighthearted (good mood), light colours. introverted, dark colors. somewhat open to socialization, pure white. somewhat closed to socialization, pure black. and so much more!

I believe our outfit tells a lot about our personality. For me I stick with light color or something in-between light and dark.

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That it is your favourite colour and it suits your skin tone? People choose colours for how they look, rathe than any other type of symbolism

This got me thinking and decided to ask this here for little understanding,am about to put on a cloth and it got me asking this.
What does your t-shirt color say about you?

Smile,this is funny mate and base on me and let me just say most times I prefer white and to me it shows much I embrace peace always in life

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This got me thinking and decided to ask this here for little understanding,am about to put on a cloth and it got me asking this.
What does your t-shirt color say about you?

To me I will say no,due to the fact that I put on black alot,it is the color I love and not my person, cause will all know what people think of black cloth too

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Actually I don't subscribe to this ideology , especially for the fact that people's have different color of their choice.jn which they admire or love and on most occasion it is for wearing sake and nothing is attached at all

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