Investing in POB and a positive future.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


I just bought the 350 version of the one above.

Bought a little rd80mx too, it arrived today. Spent the day 3 up, my daughter and her friend on the back, we pretended to be stopping in different cities in different parts of our fields.
Never heard so much laughter. They brightened my day no end.

Here is the little critter.


Only cost me 250 GBP delivered to my door. It was worth that for the laughter and thrills for the children today.

I digress.

Been spending some crypto on POB today, bought 400, will buy more.
I like the returns.

I like the fact in just over a month I managed to get over 5000 POB, just from writing. Never managed that on steemit or Hive after years.

Yes, like it very much.
My pension pays out again next week or the week after. So will throw a good chunk of that in when it does.

Been a very positive day full of laughter. Hope you had the same?

Let me know in the comments below.

POB all the way, POB for the win.
I like my new tribe. Thank you all kindly for the support.

I think cryptos will replace useless FIAT currency.
Unsure how, unsure when. Just a hunch. We all have them.

Have a superb and fun filled week.

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Hmmmmm, This information is top notch and I can't hesitate no more in getting my own share of POB running up straight.

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What year is that RD? Showing my age here, a friend bought a new one and let me take it for a spin. I Remember that after mx bikes the power band lacked kick, but it wound out really well. That was the first time I ever rode a roadbike

1981 bro, first week of production, maybe even day 1. Tuned the fuck out of it. Race reeds, ported, race cdi ignition, you name it, it is getting it. Wheely time ying ying.

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right - must have been around 84 i rode one

84, YPVS came out then, boring bike, no powerband.

After checking online and thinking again more carefully I've concluded the bike I rode was an 82 RD like the one in the photo below, but it was sold new late 83 as a clear out sale (NZ used to be the clearing house for old models) and I rode it 84.

I had an 81 YZ250 for a while and that had a lot more punch, but only for the blink of an eye, and it also handled like a bus and had horrible brakes. I'm sure the RD was much better but I had no idea how to ride a road bike.


PS - that one has RZ stickers but it was an RD that looked identical to that photo

Yes rd is rz, and rz is rd. They sold it in different countries with different labels. Same bike though. Tuned they are insane, standard they are quite boring.
They are fetching close to 10.000 GBP now. I only paid 1200.

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That is what it's all about smiles and laughter.. something that don't cost a thing..

Agreed bud, great day listening to the young laughing and having fun.

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I celebrate with you.i like the encouragement.i will like to be like you.congrats

Pob rewards are a whole different ballgame to Hive aren't they?

Indeed they are.

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I'm interested to see how you go with buying POB in the tiny pool - the price is constantly being manipulated both up and down, presumably by accounts trying to make short term gains.

I can't be arsed with that and am thinking longer term, but I only buy small amounts to avoid pumping the price.

So far I'm happy with how it's going (can't say the same for Hive, which I've powered down and am mostly liquid now) and will keep gradually increasing my stake. The cool thing is that at my current level I can give out meaningful upvotes, and they are not being wiped out by downvotes.

I note the main account selling is at 0.3300 on hivenegine which keeps the price stable.
I am happy at that price, bought around 700 yesterday.
This is the thing I have never liked about downvotes. You or the person downvoting someone, never actually hurt the person you disagree with, you hurt everyone that voted for them.

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i just got suspended on fb account two - switch to 3!

I just post bike stuff on fb most of the time, I need the income ish, gave eBay up. Want to get rid of my mountain of parts.


Glad you had a fun day.

Cheers bro.

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You @shepz1 my friend really know how to manage family and business. 👍

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Cheers friend.

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Started investing in POB with the little returns I made from writing here.
Not so much, but I feel a sense of moving in the right direction.

I'm glad you had a good time with your daughter.. things money can't really buy, but can potentiate .

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Big up to you. on the right road. Enjoy the ride. The more that invest the better.

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Yesoooo we move.

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