Monday Drum Day: September in May

in Drumminglast month

I am trying to keep up with my drumming lately. As I posted last week I have been doing a Drumeo course on independence that has a lesson five times each week. I need to get into it for this week. I had almost forgotten about the monthly student collaboration for May. The song is September by Earth, Wind & Fire. It is a fairly simple song with a few fills that I could not master in the time available. My main aim was to keep on the beat and get back to it after each fill. It is quite quick.

I was playing my Tama Club Jam kit. This time I fixed my tablet holder to the cymbal stand so that I could follow the notation. I was using the Drumeo earphones. I just recorded it on my phone, so I needed to mix in the backing track. I did that in Kdenlive and tried to get it all lined up. That is not always so easy. For some reason the Drumeo app would not give me a count in that I could use to line up the start, so I had to do it by ear. It may be very slightly off, but it is the best I could do in the time I had.

Someone has the fun job of cutting dozens of these videos into one. My video skills are not up to that challenge.

I am trying to do something musical most days to train my brain and body. I am not sure I have done the magic 10,000 hours overall, but it is all fun.

Rock on!


I need to finally get some ambition and work on learning the guitar. It will be hard during the summer since we will be gone so much. Maybe when next winter rolls around...

You should take one when you go camping. There's lots of simple songs you could learn and get people singing along around the fire.

I'd have to work up to that! :)

To be honest. I can't hear it as my amp is being repaired and the mini-jack in the front of my cabinet is broken, but I like to just look at you beating those drums :) Good for you that you just keep challenging yourself.

It is quite satisfying to make a noise like that. I'm enjoying the drumming experience.

I used to love drumming, but it has been years, decades actually, since I had the opportunity. Living in a flat has made it impossible until the digital drums showed up. I have a friend who is professional drummer. He lives close by and practice in a flat like mine.

I've got both types in a detached house, but the acoustic kit is mainly for when I am home alone. I would like a decent recording setup, but that may have to wait for now.

I have been working on being able to record too. I might write a post about it. I have mainly recorded bas and guitar, while I'd had to program the drums. It is for a film project.

Hey Great Steve!

Musical stuff is great for the brain. I am signing up to some guitarists patreon and am going to try his "course" for a few weeks just to get some serious practice in. It's the only way to get better!

I think you are really coming on and getting more relaxed at it!

I'm definitely feeling less tense on stuff like this now. Having a course or some challenge to work on definitely pushes you. I still hope to do some in-person lessons when I sort out a teacher. Drumming really gets into your brain and you find yourself practicing everywhere by tapping whatever is around.

If I could choose another thing to play it would certainly be the drums. My daughter is keen on them. I am hoping we can ambush the Good Lady with a request for an electric drum kit for her birthday 🙂

Great work! I’m about to have more of a look into Max MSP - musical programming as it were with Ableton and doing some generative stuff. I’m also learning more chords for the keyboard and even a little bit for the guitar.

Chords are a pretty deep topic, but they have a big effect. I don't have time to learn everything I want to, so just have to focus on a few things.

Doing something musical is actually going to help you in one way or another. I’m glad you want to take it more serious now and I wish you the best.
You’ve got an amazing talent
Keep it up!

Soon Steve would definitely be playing for the Beach boys🥰🥰🥰🥰😂💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 we're going up

Oh my gosh do you know I barely realized you had a YouTube?... I'm going to subscribe
