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RE: An update on my absence... The passing of a soul...

in Hive Memorial Forestlast year (edited)

I know you're not big on TV shows, but there is a drama series (that is about to end next week) that never fails to bring me to tears.

And the following day, at his oncologist visit, Gary and Maggie get very bad news: There’s nothing more to be done other than make Gary as comfortable as possible. Maggie immediately rejects this, bringing up an experimental trial in Mexico City that has had promising results. Later, at his session with Dr. Jessica, Gary says he’s not scared of dying, but he is really, really tired. Still, when Maggie hears back from Mexico City and learns they have a spot for Gary, she begs him to try. “The only reason I am still here is because you never let me give up,” Maggie says, reminding him of when she wanted to stop treatment for her breast cancer. He maintains that was different, but she doesn’t want to hear it. “Mendez, I dare you to go to Mexico,” she says. “I dare you to fight this.” So he agrees… but later confides in Rome and Eddie that he’s only going so that after his death, Maggie won’t wonder if she could’ve tried something else.

We do what we can, when we can for those we love. Sometimes it isn't enough and we just have to say goodbye and enjoy what time we have left with each other.
But sometimes there just isn't a tomorrow to look forward too.
Always tell those you love, that you love them. NOW, before it is too late.
Love you Wes



Thank you, brother. I do actually watch some tv shows lol. Not a lot of free time to do so... between grandkids... adulting (bleh lol) and all the daily things that require attention... don't get to watch much. But this was truly a touching reply, and I thank you for it. As I have mentioned a few times now... my mom and her partner, met back in 1978. They had good times, as well as bad. But when it is all said and done, she always did what she could, to make him as comfortable as possible. He passed at home, which is exactly what his wishes were...

But sometimes there just isn't a tomorrow to look forward too.

I will be honest, and admit; there have been many times in my life. That I too, felt that... Nothing good would come... tomorrow is just another day of the SSDD syndrome. But here's a little secret... I am still here... and I am able to be an example that... you know what? Sometimes life really just sucks lol. But I refuse to give up. I refuse to accept things that seem impossible. I am living proof that all those words I constantly say, aren't just some "hashtag". They are my way of being an example...

Sending you lots of good vibes and positive energy brother... Love and light.