Hot coffee with grated pulp of dried coconut./Café caliente con pulpa rayada del coco seco.


It is the right time to share with you the preparation of a nutritious hot coffee and the addition of the grated pulp of the dried coconut. For the preparation of this drink, we grate half of the pulp of a dried coconut, which we add in a cup with hot coffee and the amount of sugar to taste. The mentioned drink offers good benefits for the organism, such as; improving the digestive processes, relieving constipation, helping to control high cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, as well as offering important minerals to the body, reasons to request your company in the elaboration of a hot coffee with the grated pulp of the dried coconut, for the good of the health.


Ingredients used in the preparation of this drink: hot coffee with the pulp of a dry coconut, 100 grams of coffee of the brand of your preference, half of a dry coconut, which we extract 100 grams of its pulp for grating, approximately 250 cc of water and sugar to taste.



After washing half of the dried coconut, in order to remove any possible impurities it may have, we proceed to carefully remove the pulp, which is added in a container.



Next, with the support of a specialized utensil, the dried coconut pulp, which was extracted from the dried coconut, was grated and placed in a shallow dish.



Next, we place a container on the kitchen sink, proceeding to the addition of approximately 250 cc of water, we turn on the stove until the water is very hot, while this happens, we add the 100 grams of coffee in a strainer, which will be placed on top of a cup, which will be the recipient of the brewed coffee.



Then with the support of a glove, we take the container that contains the very hot water, which we pour slowly in the strainer, which contains the hot coffee, perceiving its pleasant aroma, reasons to make this process in this artisanal way, in such sense the hot coffee elaborated once added in a container, we add it later in a transparent cup, which will be used for the consumption of the hot coffee, with the other ingredients; the grated pulp of the coconut and sugar to the taste, as shown sequentially in the following photographs.





Next, the grated pulp of the dry coconut is added to the hot coffee prepared, then the amount of sugar to taste is added and the mixture is stirred to obtain the planned beverage; hot coffee with the grated pulp of the dry coconut and a moderate amount of sugar to taste.






Dear members of this distinguished community and hive, allow me to savor the exquisite and nutritious hot coffee with grated pulp of the dried coconut.



Friends, I hope you have enjoyed this publication, referring to the hot coffee drink with the grated pulp of the dried coconut, thanking you for your receptivity and continuous visits, subscribing to you, with much affection. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz from the city of Cumaná in the state of Sucre-Venezuela.

The images were taken by Nancy de Rojas with my Samsung Galaxy A10s cell phone and the publication is my own.



Es propicia la ocasión, para compartir con ustedes la preparación de un nutritivo café caliente y el agregado de la pulpa rayada del coco seco. Para la elaboración de dicha bebida, rayamos la mitad de la pulpa de un coco seco, la cual añadimos en una taza con café caliente y la cantidad de azúcar al gusto. La citada bebida, ofrece buenos beneficios para el organismo, tales como; mejorar los procesos digestivos, aliviar el estreñimiento, ayudar a controlar el colesterol alto y los niveles de glucosa en la sangre, así mismo ofrece minerales importantes al cuerpo, razones para solicitar su compañía en la elaboración de un café caliente con la pulpa rayada del coco seco, para bien de la salud.


Ingredientes utilizados en la preparación de la nombrada bebida; café caliente con la pulpa de un coco seco, 100 gramos de café, de la marca de su preferencia, la mitad de un coco seco, el cual le extraemos 100 gramos de su pulpa para su rayado, aproximadamente 250 cc de agua y azúcar al gusto.



Luego de lavar la mitad del coco seco, a los fines de quitar las posibles impurezas que pueda tener, procedemos a sacar con cuidado la pulpa, la cual se añade en un envase.



A continuación, con el apoyo de un utensilio especializado, realizamos el rayado de la pulpa del coco seco, la cual fue extraída de dicho fruto, colocándola en un plato llano.



Seguidamente, colocamos un envase en la ornilla de la cocina, procediendo al añadido de aproximadamente 250 cc de agua, encendemos la cocina, hasta que el agua esté bien caliente, mientas ello ocurre, agregamos los 100 gramos de café en un colador, el cual será ubicado encima de una taza, que será la receptora del café colado.



Luego con el apoyo de un guante, tomamos el envase que contiene el agua bien caliente, la cual vertemos lentamente en el colador, el cual contiene el café caliente, percibiendo su agradable aroma, razones para hacer este proceso de esta forma artesanal, en tal sentido el café caliente elaborado una vez agregado en un envase, lo añadimos posteriormente en una taza transparente, la cual se utilizará para el consumo del cafe caliente, con los demás ingredientes; la pulpa rayada del coco y azúcar al gusto, conforme se muestra secuencialmente en las siguientes fotografías.





A continuación, se realiza el agregado de la pulpa rayada del coco seco, al café caliente elaborado, luego se añade la cantidad de azúcar al gusto y se remueve la mezcla, para obtener la bebida planificada; café caliente con la pulpa rayada del coco seco y la cantidad moderada de azúcar al gusto.






Estimados de tan distinguida comunidad y de hive, permítanme saborear el exquisito y nutritivo café caliente con pulpa rayada del coco seco.



Amigos, deseo que les haya agradado la presente publicación, referida a la bebida de café caliente con la pulpa rayada del coco seco, agradeciéndoles su receptividad y contínúas visitas, suscribiéndome a ustedes, con mucho afecto. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz desde la ciudad de Cumaná en el estado Sucre-Venezuela.

Las imágenes fueron tomadas por Nancy de Rojas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A10s y la publicación es de mi autoría.


 29 days ago  

Thanks for stopping by!-2.jpg

Blessings Mr. Omar, I have never tasted coffee that way but I imagine it must be very tasty.

It is an excellent drink, dear Virgil. Check it out. When I tasted it, it's like tasting something new.thanks for the visit.

This black coffee with coconut zest looks amazing. Thank you for sharing such an excellent preparation my dear Omar. Hugs

Thank you for your visit. Truly with such a distinguished community @cinnamoncupcoffee it is a permanent learning experience. This is a very tasty and nutritious drink.

Greetings @omarrojas I'm sure the coffee was very tasty, I have to try it, thanks for sharing it

That's right dear friend @mayraro05 , coffee with shredded coconut is very tasty and nutritious, try this experience and you will see the good results.

Interesting combination, I would like to try it. Thanks for sharing your recipe, greetings!

It is a combination, a product of my creativity and I owe it to such a distinguished publication of Cinnamoncupcoffee. I hope you make it and you will see how pleasant it tastes. Best wishes.

Amazing combination.

Wow, quedo impresionada con la variedad de cosas conque se pueda preparar y servir un buen café, esta es sin duda una gran idea y de paso me encanta el coco rayado. Saludos estimado @omarrojas.

Estimada, café caliente con la pulpa rayada del coco seco, lo comprobé que es una bebida muy sabrosa y novedosa. Gracias por su visita.

I think it is excellent, I really like to opt for this kind of preparations to improve the organism and its processes... Thank you for this contribution, I really did not know about this combination 😊.

Thank you for your visit and enjoy the combination of a hot coffee with shredded dried coconut pulp. Best regards.

Vaya, que se aprenden cosas nuevas en Hive, especialmente en esta comunidad. Gracias por compartir nuevas experiencias profe. Un abrazo 🫂

Gracias a ti por visitarte. Cafe caliente con coco seco rayado, es una delicia que valió la pena tomarlo. Abrazos amiga.