Can Just Another Rainy Day Still Be Beautifully Sublime?

Talk about an opportune photo. I was merely wanting to capture the rain drops on the window and the typical grey skies. However, if you look closely, you can see an appearance by Mr. Crane!

Happy Beautifully Sublime Sunday!

Can a Sunday filled with rain and still still be Beautifully Sublime, well I think so. Feels that way to me. I have never minded rainy days, well unless I had an outdoor activity already planned. I just typically see it as an opportunity to change gears and focus on an indoor project. Of course trying to get this old house ready for sale affords no end of jobs needing doing!


Ben is so fast wielding his fork like a lightsaber! See the blur from the speed? Yikes! Don't get between him and his food lol!

We decided to make our own version of spaghetti. Necessity is truly the mother of invention or at least hunger is the mother of a Frankenstein meal comprised of what scraps were to be found. All in all, it was a meal. Not an out of the world awesome meal, but way better than just some plain Ramen.


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


One of our projects has been clearing and cleaning up the hill on the lakeside of the house.


Ben scampers up and down the hill...


While I have to cut up the piles of brush into smallish pieces.


So I can stuff them into a trash can and carry them down by the lake so we can enjoy a relaxing fire as we burn up all the brush...


The upside to all the work is that it gives some time to have some interesting fireside chats!


I try my best to enjoy the little things. In fact I do not have to try really. I am fascinated by many inconsequential things that most would not even pause to ponder upon. I guess that makes me simple, but being simple seems to lead to a happy life so far.


Have a great week!

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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Love an outdoor fire.

Your meatball/pasta concoction looks pretty tasty.

We've had cloud skies off and on for a few days which makes it look like winter out, even though it is not cool at all. I keep thinking I want some soup !

Glad you had a good day.

That's a handy way to get rid of the cut up brush. Up in smoke do they go.

It is the cheapest option. With fuel prices so high, making trips to the dump is not cheap let alone the fees they charge. Plus a campfire is always fun :)

Absolutely! That is particularly true if you don't have a very large amount of brush to burn in a short amount of time. I don't know about your neighborhood but if I had tried to burn every bit of brush or old tree branches in my own yard, it would't taken a lot of time or would've required a large fire.

I also don't mind the rain when I'm in the office or at home with no plan

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It is truly a #SublimeSunday! Nothing like a little pasta and sauce to make the day right! Toss in a meatball and it is golden.

The hill is a real challenge scurrying up and down. The big payoff is the fire at the end of it. I kind of hope there will be a few smores involved here.

It doesn't make you simple. It makes you smart. All those small things stitched together make for a happy life.