Even If It Is Not Pretty?

Thankfully this is not Virginia! LOL

Can one experience a Beautiful and Sublime Sunday even if the weather is not pretty? I would have to say emphatically yes. Sadly our string of cloudless blue skies and sunny days has come to an abrupt end. We are experiencing drenching rain from a storm that originated in Florida but has consumed the entire east coast of the country. No worries though as our lovely winter weather will return tomorrow. Generally we see mid 50s during the day and mid-30s at night. Instead of the harsh Michigan winters, I rather like the more mild Virginia variety. As for today, however, the rain gives us an excuse to be a little lazy and really enjoy the day without the pressure to go out and tame the land at the lake lot.


I know it sounds crazy but it still seems a bit early to go hard core Christmas. I can only imagine that it is because I am used to the cold Michigan Winters that would signal it is Christmas time. So at this point in time Yankee Candle’s Autumn Wreath seems to be the perfect scent that I am really enjoying. To me, the aroma is much more subtle than the Hollyberry and Pine of the true spicy Christmas candles. Yes I freely admit I am a Yankee Candle hoarder and have entirely way too many of them.


One sure way to make a day both a beautiful and Sublime Sunday is to receive a lovely Christmas card from a neighbor and a friend. Now I just love this card and you'll see why. First, what's not to love about Santa Claus water skiing? I mean how cool is that? Additionally, while it could look like any random body of water, the distinctive shape of the mountains in the background are instantly familiar to anyone that lives around here. That defining feature is Smith Mountain and the gorge between them is where they built the dam that created Smith Mountain Lake. So to receive a locally created and locally purchased Christmas card is really the cat’s meow!


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


Another thing that makes a Sunday Sublime and beautiful has got to surely be food. when I find a dessert at a local grocery store that does not have a peanut or tree nut warning on it I feel compelled to buy that offering. Anymore companies are sadly putting a tree nut warning on every and all of their products simply to cover their ass against possible future lawsuits due to inadvertent nut contamination. I have to say that Kroger has been doing a great job offering some nut free products. As a bonus these were on special but they were entirely fresh and delightfully chewy and gooey and just perfect in every possible way.


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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


.... which reminds me... I still have some Yankee Candle wax melts I got ages ago. Would be good time to burn some.

Oh yes indeed! Sounds like the perfect time!

That is a really neat Christmas card !

I have seen many more things with nut warnings that did not seem to have nuts in them, but it said something about made in the same place where other products that have nuts in them are processed. I'm thinking "don't you clean all that before you start a new product?".... but who knows, covering their bums, I'm sure you are right about that.

I love a good oatmeal cookie. Haven't had one for a while. Those you have there looks fresh and good.

They were fresh and good. One of lives simple pleasures!