Saving a Life Is Always Beautiful and Sublime


Ok just so as to not be 100% clickbaity, I will come right out and say we did not save a human life lol. But as the old time TV show taught us, isn't the life of all critters great and small valuable? I would say yes, well except for flies and mosquitos I suppose lol.


I am not sure if our weather today was global warming hot, but it sure as all h - e double hockey sticks - s hot! Yeah it hit 80 in the house, but the OldGuy is so cheap I aint paying for air till it breaks 85 in the house. 😬


Thankfully the clouds kept much of the sun at bay. Say can you tell a difference in the view? That is sans the bee filled scrub oak.


It is slowly drying out so I will be able to burn it here soon.

(More of the tree adventure is here)

The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


While I am out on the balcony, I would like to take a minute to show you my newest baby! Yep a baby banana tree! It is really growing fast in the last week or two. Must really like the hot sunny days we have had of late. Well I am happy to have it. Now I just need to get another pot for it. You know the OldGuy loves a freebie, and a free banana tree just makes me smile!

Glad to see the US Postal Service was out and about delivering on a Sunday. Sure is cool how fast Amazon gets the merch out to people these days!

I finally broke down and got a few more SD cards. Nothing makes me madder than driving out to do some picture taking only to find out I don't have any SD cards in the bag. These are not fast one, but might be ok in a pinch.


Well back to the saving a life business. They little bugger was knocking on the door! I don't know how he got to be at the house, but he was covered in spider webs!


I am not a turtle expert, but I believe he is a baby snapper. We have a good number of them in the lake, but they don't seem to bother humans. However I have moved some off of the roads, and they can be down right ornery and less than thankful!


We, as in Ben 😂, took him down to the water. He got nice and cleaned off. I suspect he will be happier with his kin than bugging around the house.


I bought some more solar lights. They are fun to see and always make me smile. Perhaps, I have a slight solar light addiction, but with the move, I cant go overboard!


They change through the rainbow of colors, and yes I had to film it in my closet lol.

Well the sun is setting just about now. I sure hope it will cool down a bit, but they are saying 70F for the low... Better get some Dew on ice for the night!


Have a great week!

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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Ong... now you are copying Jacey? Well, it is a cute little expression. You know they say about copying?

That looks like a snapper to me. It always amazes me how the get around. I have never seen a baby!

Happy Sunday.

What exactly did I copy?

We have found babies before. This was 2015 :)

Copy is the wrong word. Jacey always uses the term and I have never heard you use it. That is all.

but it sure as all h - e double hockey sticks - s hot!

Oh lol we always said that as kids silly. I actually think you have used it before... From now on I am just going to swear 😜

I never did. It was too close to swearing! Lol. Confession and all... and you never saw me use it. I'd rather swear. Ha!

Not really.

Hi @old-guy-photos,
I loved your #sublimesunday tagged post full of pictures and quality content. It has been upvoted and reblogged to show my appreciation.
This #sublimesunday tag is supported and curated by witness c0ff33a

Agree with the flies and mosquitos but I'll add cockroaches to the list
That does look like a snapping but I'm no expert on that too.

Yeah that is a good add. I was thinking rattlesnakes too lol.

We have a lot of snappers in the lake. We found a baby back in 2015

haha, off it goes.

120MB/s is still not fast enough? how much are they each?
I am thinking about buying a new one also.

mine is sitting on 90MB/s LOL.

I am getting the Sony a7 IV. To capture 4k 60fps, you need a minimum of a v60 card. I never bought this brand before, but I am going to take a chance with TEAMGROUP XTREEM 128GB x 2 Pack UHS-II U3 V60. Two pack for 60USD.

Ah yes, I forgot that you usually making videos.
I have that brand the Sandisk, so far it is still doing well .

That's a cute little turtle!

I can't let my house get that hot unless I am going to sit still in front of a fan. For old girl to keep moving, gotta be some cool air flowing.

Wonder how that little fella ended up at the house? Nice of ya'll to get it back to the lake.

Love those solar lights. I have some I am really loving this summer. I liked them so good I gave my Mom and sister some. Now I need to get more for me and another sister. LOL.... I didn't think about taking a photo of them in the bathroom, the only room in my house with no windows. Maybe I will when the new ones get here.

All you need is a little more off of the right.... and that lake view will be perfect.